ক পৃষ্ঠা ১৮
- Bengali Word কর্মানুসারে English definition (adverb) according to one’s action/ work.
- Bengali Word কর্মান্তর English definition (noun) change of work/ job; another job.
- Bengali Word কর্মার English definition (noun) a smith who works in iron; blacksmith.
- Bengali Word কর্মারম্ভ English definition [কর্ম + আরম্ভ] (noun) beginning of daily activities; commencement of a work/ ceremony.
- Bengali Word কর্মার্হ English definition [কর্ম + অর্হ] (adjective) fit for work; serviceable; useful.
- Bengali Word কর্মিষ্ঠ English definition (adjective) showing zealous application to one’s work; hard-working; assiduous.
- Bengali Word কর্মী English definition (adjective) full of activities; hard-working: কর্মী পুরুষ. (noun) a worker; an employee.
- Bengali Word কর্মেন্দ্রিয় English definition (কর্ম + ইদ্রিয়) (noun) organ of action, eg hands, legs, etc.
- Bengali Word কর্মোদ্যম English definition (কর্ম + উদ্যম) (noun) enthusiasm or enterprise to engage or continue in an undertaking; perseverance.
- Bengali Word কর্ষ ১ English definition (noun) measure of weighing gold or silver (= .8 oz).
- Bengali Word কর্ষ ২, কর্ষণ English definition (noun) act of tilling/ ploughing; cultivation: ভূমি-কর্ষণ. কর্ষণ করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) prepare the soil for seed; plough; till; cultivate. কর্ষক (adjective), (noun) (1) one who ploughs the soil; a cultivator. (2) one who/ that which attracts or draws towards: বিপ্রকর্ষণ. কর্ষণীয় (adjective) that which is to be cultivated; arable; cultivable. কর্ষিত (adjective) ploughed; cultivated: কর্ষিত ভূমি.
- Bengali Word কর্ষী English definition (adjective) having the power to attract; attractive. (noun) the iron piece of a bridle which sets in the mouth of a horse.
- Bengali Word কর৫ English definition family name among certain Hindus.
- Bengali Word কল ১ English definition (noun) (1) the means by which some productive process is carried out; a mill; a machine: কাপড়ের কল, আটার কল. (2) a contrivance for catching unawares; a trap; a stratagem: ইদুঁরের কল. (3) a crafty device; a trick; an artifice; a knack or art: কলে কৌশলে. কলে পাওয়া catch one on the hip (ie get him at a disadvantage). (4) the trigger or lock of a gun; the switch or handle of a machine. (5) safety device to stop up or release water (or other liquid) in storage; water tap; hydrant: পানির কল. কলকব্জা (noun) (plural) machinery; the component parts of a complex machine; machines in general. কল টেপা, কলকাঠি নাড়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) pull the wires from behind; to intrigue. কলকারখানা (noun) (plural) mills and factories. কলকৌশল করা have recourse to a trick; set a trap; intrigue. কলেকৌশলে (adverb) by means fair or foul. কলে পড়া (verb transitive) be entrapped; get into a trick. কলের পুতুল (noun) a puppet moved by strings; spring-doll; a marionette.
- Bengali Word কল ২ English definition (noun) sweet sound; a pleasing note (as the chirping of birds). (adjective) (of sound) pleasant to the ear; full of melody; melodious. কলকণ্ঠ (adjective) making a sweet sound; having a melodious voice; sweet-toned; (figurative) composing sweet verses: কলকণ্ঠ কবি. কলকণ্ঠী (feminine) = কলকণ্ঠ. (noun) (1) sweet tone; elegant voice. (2) the pigeon. (3) the cuckoo. (4) the swan; the gander. কলকথা (noun) melodious language. কলকল (noun) (1) murmuring noise of running water. (2) the hum made by a number of people talking together. (3) chirping of the birds. কলকলানো (verb transitive) utter musically in a quavering manner; sing musically; carol; warble: খাবিদাবি কল কলাবি. কলকাকলি (noun) quavering melodious sound; sweet humming sound. কলকুঞ্জন, কলগুঞ্জন (noun) a low continued or repeated sound; sweet murmur. কলতান (noun) sweet note; melodious tune. কলধ্বনি (noun) a short shrill note of birds; chirping. কলনাদ = কলধ্বনি. কলনাদী (adjective) murmuring; sweetly warbling. কলনাদিনী (feminine) = কলনাদী. কলনাদিনী স্রোতস্বিনী murmuring stream. কলরব, কলরোল (noun) confused noise; uproar; tumult. কলস্বন, কলস্বর (noun) low musical sound: নদীর কলস্বন. (adjective) melodious in tune. কলস্বরে (adverb) melodiously; very sweetly. কলহংস (noun) the male of the duck or gander that makes the murmuring sound. কলহংসী (feminine) = কলহংস. কলহাস্য (noun) laughter with a sweet cackle; gentle burst of laughter. কলহাস্য করা (verb intransitive) laugh cacklingly. কলহাসিনী (noun) (feminine) one who laughs cacklingly.
- Bengali Word কল ৩ English definition (noun) a shoot of a plant; a sprout. কল গজানো (verb intransitive) push out a shoot; sprout; germinate.
- Bengali Word কল ৪ English definition [English] (noun) a call: ডাক্তার কল দেওয়া. call in a doctor. কলে যাওয়া attend a call.
- Bengali Word কল-কব্জা English definition (noun) (plural) machinery; the component parts of a complex machine; machines in general.
- Bengali Word কল-কারখানা English definition (noun) (plural) mills and factories.
- Bengali Word কলকা, কল্কা English definition (noun) ornamental design/ decorative embroidery on the borders of a sari or shawl. কলকাদার (adjective) having decorative embroidery. কলকা পেড়ে (adjective) having borders of ornamental design: কলকা পেড়ে শাড়ি.