ক পৃষ্ঠা ১৯
- Bengali Word কলকে, কল্কে English definition (noun) the bowl of a hubble-bubble which holds the tobacco and cinder. কলকে পাওয়া (verb intransitive) receive attention or recognition: তোমার মতো লোক যেখানে কলকে পাবে না, won’t be admitted to terms of equality.
- Bengali Word কলগী English definition [Turkish] (noun) the ornamental top of a crown or diadem; a jewelled headband or head-dress worn by women; a fillet; a tiara.
- Bengali Word কলঘোষ English definition (noun) (1) sweet tone; melodious voice. (2) the cuckoo.
- Bengali Word কলঙ্ক English definition (noun) (1) a disgrace, disrepute, scandal or stigma. (2) a sullying mark; a spot; a stain; a tarnish: কুলে কলঙ্ক দেওয়া. কলঙ্ককর (adjective) disgraceful infamous; scandalous. কলঙ্ক কালিমা (noun) the black stain of infamy; infamy. কলঙ্ক রটানো (verb intransitive) spread scandal; calumniate; vilify; defame; traduce. কলঙ্ক ভঞ্জন (noun) vindication of one’s good name/ honour; removal of stigma; exoneration. কলঙ্ক ভঞ্জন করা (verb transitive) exonerate one of his stigma. কলঙ্ক ভয় (noun) fear of scandal. কুলের কলঙ্ক (noun) black sheep of a family.
- Bengali Word কলঙ্কষ English definition (noun) the king of beasts; the lion. কলঙ্কষা (feminine).
- Bengali Word কলঙ্কিত English definition (adjective) one who has been disgraced or stigmatized. কলঙ্কিতা (feminine) = কলঙ্কিত. কলঙ্কিত করা (verb transitive) bring disgrace upon; stigmatize.
- Bengali Word কলঙ্কিনী English definition (adjective) (feminine) (woman) of bad name; unchaste.
- Bengali Word কলঙ্কী English definition (adjective) stained; tainted. কলঙ্কী চাঁদ (noun) the spotted moon.
- Bengali Word কলত্র English definition (noun) the spouse of a man; wile.
- Bengali Word কলধৌত English definition (noun) what has been washed or purified; gold; silver: কলধৌত বাহিনী.
- Bengali Word কলধ্বনি English definition = কল ২
- Bengali Word কলন English definition (noun) (1) act of counting; enumeration. (2) act of collecting; collection. কলিত (adjective) (1) counted. (2) collected; gathered. উৎকলন (noun) act of quoting. উৎকলিত (adjective) quoted; collected.
- Bengali Word কলন্তর English definition (noun) percentage of profit from money lent or invested; interest.
- Bengali Word কলন্দর English definition [Arabic] Muslim ascetic moving from place to place.
- Bengali Word কলপ English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) blackish paste for grey hair; hair-dye. (2) granular carbohydrate used for stiffening linen; starch. চুলে কলপ দেওয়া blacken grey hair with a wash. কাপড়ে কলপ দেওয়া stiffen clothes with starch.
- Bengali Word কলব English definition [Arabic] (noun) the primary organ of the body propelling the blood through the veins by its pulsations; the heart; (figurative) the seat of emotions and affections; the mind.
- Bengali Word কলভ English definition (=করভ.) (1) the young of an elephant/ camel. (2) the thorn-apple or its fruit or flower; the stramonium.
- Bengali Word কলভাষণ English definition (noun) baby-talk.
- Bengali Word কলম ১ English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) writing tool made formerly of a feather; but now a metal nib fitted Into a handle; a pen. (2) a writing; a decree: বিধাতার কলম খণ্ডাবে কে? who can alter the Decree of God? কলমচি (noun) one who writes what another dictates; an amanuensis; a copyist. কলমদান, কলমদানি (noun) a tray or stand for keeping pens; a pen holder; a pen-stand. কলম ধরা (verb intransitive) wield a pen; write: নজরুল সর্বপ্রকার শোষণের বিরুদ্ধে কলম ধরেন, Nazrul wielded his pen against all sorts of exploitation. কলম পেশা (noun) clerkship. কলমপেষা (verb intransitive) work as clerk. কলমবাজ (noun) one living by his pen; a forceful or creative writer. কলম বাজি (noun) the use of the pen; forceful writing; penmanship. কলমরদ করা (verb intransitive) abrogate or nullify a decision. কলমের খোঁচা (noun) stroke of the pen. কলমের জোর (noun) ability to write forcefully. কলমের এক খোঁচায় বাতিল করা cancel with a single stroke of the pen.
- Bengali Word কলম ২ English definition (noun) a shoot from a plant transplanted into another, to form a new growth; a graft: আমের কলম, লেবুর কলম. কলম করা (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) put a graft in or on; graft one variety on into another.