ক পৃষ্ঠা ২০
- Bengali Word কলম ৩ English definition [English] (noun) (1) a pillar supporting an arch or roof; a column. (2) a perpendicular section or vertical division of a page of type; a column of a newspaper.
- Bengali Word কলম ৪ English definition (noun) variety of paddy.
- Bengali Word কলমা English definition = কলেমা
- Bengali Word কলমি English definition (noun) edible aquatic plant; bindweed. কলমি শাক (noun) the leaves of this plant cooked and eaten as spinach.
- Bengali Word কলম্ব English definition (noun) (1) an arrow. (2) the stalk of spinach.
- Bengali Word কলম্বিকা, কলম্বী English definition = কলমি
- Bengali Word কলরব English definition = কল ২
- Bengali Word কলরোল English definition = কল ২
- Bengali Word কলস, কলসি English definition (noun) a metal or earthenware jar with a fat belly for holding water; a pitcher.
- Bengali Word কলস্বন, কলস্বর English definition = কল ২
- Bengali Word কলহ English definition (noun) that which disturbs peace; a quarrel; a brawl; a dispute; a contention; a strife. কলহ বাধানো (verb intransitive) kick up a row; set (persons) by the ears; pick a quarrel (with somebody). কলহ করা (verb intransitive) quarrel (with somebody) (about something); be engaged/take part in a quarrel. কলহপ্রিয় (adjective) apt to quarrel; inclined by temperament to quarrel; quarrelsome. কলহান্তরিতা (noun) heroine suffering mental pain in separation after having dismissed her lover.
- Bengali Word কলহাস্য English definition (noun) a sweet cackling laughter.
- Bengali Word কলা ১ English definition (noun) (1) a lunar digit or one-sixteenth part of the moon’s disc; a phase of the moon: ষোল কলা, the full moon; (figurative) fulfilment; accomplishment: আমার সাধ ষোল কলায় পূর্ণ হলো, my longings have come to fulfilment. (2) varieties of art, eg music, ballet, drawing, painting, sculpture, needlework, coiffure, etc; an art; a fine art. বাগ্মিতা/ শিক্ষকতা একটি কলা oratory/teaching is an art. (3) group of related disciplines eg history, literature, philosophy, etc contrasted with science subjects: কলা অনুষদ, faculty of Arts. (4) faculty or act of using stratagem; cunning; trickery; artifice: নাগর ভুলানোর কলা, stratagem used by a woman to attract a lover. ছলা কলা (noun) skilful way of doing something; artifice; ingenuity; trickery; craftiness. কলা কুশল (adjective) skilled in arts and crafts; adept in many arts. কলা কৌশল (noun) artistic skill. কলাবৎ (adjective), (noun) one who is versed in classical vocal music কলাবতী (feminine). কলাবিদ (noun) a skilled artist; an artcritic. কাব্যকলা (noun) poetic art; poetry. কারু-কলা (noun) (1) arts and crafts that save human labour; industrial art; mechanical art. (2) manual craft; handicraft. চিত্রকলা (noun) art of painting. ললিতকলা (noun) arts cultivated for their aesthetic, not utilitarian qualities; fine arts (music, painting, etc).
- Bengali Word কলা ২ English definition কদল (noun) (1) the famous all-season fruit growing in tropical and semi tropical countries; the banana. (2) the plant or tree that bears banana; the plantain tree. (3) word expressing slight or contempt: সে আমার কলা করবে, he can do me little harm. কলা খাওয়া (slang) be deceived/disappointed. কলা দেখানো (slang) point the thumb at; show scorn; defy; evade a payment. কলা পোড়া খাও (slang) go to the dogs; be down and out; be ruined. কলার কাঁদি (noun) cluster of plantains. কলার ছড়া (noun) a bunch of bananas.
- Bengali Word কলাই ১ English definition (noun) Ieguminous seeds of pulse; beans.
- Bengali Word কলাই ২ English definition [Arabic] (noun) substance of the nature of glass used for coating metal for decoration or as a protection; enamel. কলাই করা (verb transitive) lay enamel on; paint in enamel; enamel. কলাই-করা (adjective) enamelled. কলাই কর (noun) one who enamels; an enameller; an enamellist. কলাইয়ের বাসন কোশন (noun) enamel ware.
- Bengali Word কলানাথ, কলানিধি English definition (noun) the moon.
- Bengali Word কলানুনাদী English definition (noun) (1) a small specie of bird; the sparrow. (2) the species of bird that in poetic imagination doesn’t drink but rain water; the swallow. (3) large kind of hairy bee with a loud hum; the bumble-bee.
- Bengali Word কলাপ English definition (noun) (1) the fine fan-shaped tail of the peacock: কলাপমেলি করে সে কেলি. (2) jewellery especially one worn round the waist. (3) a collection of anything held together, eg a tuft of hair: কেশ কলাপ. (4) the famous work of this name on Sanskrit grammar.
- Bengali Word কলাপী English definition (noun) the peacock. কলাপিনী (feminine) the pea-hen.