ক পৃষ্ঠা ২৪
- Bengali Word কসব English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) prostitution; harlotry. (2) trade; business. কসবি [Arabic] (feminine) a prostitute; a harlot; a whore. কসবিপনা (noun) a harlots’s way of behaviour.
- Bengali Word কসবা English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) large and prosperous village with advantages of a town. (2) a small town; an administrative headquarters under the Turkish rule.
- Bengali Word কসম English definition [Arabic] (noun) an oath; a swearing. কসম খাওয়া (verb intransitive) take an oath; swear. কসম দেওয়া (verb intransitive) charge an oath; adjure. খোদার কসম (interjection) in God’s name; by God.
- Bengali Word কসর English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) residence of a king or prince; a palace. (2) making short or shortening one’s canonical prayer during a journey: সফরকালে নামাজ কসর পড়তে হয়.
- Bengali Word কসরত, কসরৎ English definition [Arabic] (noun) physical exercise; athletic feat. (2) adroitness in an action; skill; tact; a trick. (3) practice in an art: গলার (গানের) কসরত. (4) earnest endeavour to achieve something in a difficult situation: এর জন্য অনেক কসরত করতে হয়েছে. কসরত করা (verb transitive) practise; exercise.
- Bengali Word কসাই, কশাই English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) one who kills animals for market: a butcher; a meat seller. (2) one who delights in bloody deeds; a very cruel person. (3) (figurative) a selfish person always on the look out to prey on others: বরের বাপ তো একটা কসাই. কসাইখানা (noun) slaughter-house; butchery. কসাইগিরি (noun) (1) the trade of a butcher. (2) a cruel treatment, such as behoves only a butcher. কসাইয়ের হাতে পড়া fall a prey to a cruel person.
- Bengali Word কসীদা English definition = কাসীদা
- Bengali Word কসুর English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) a fault; a guilt; an offence: কসুর হয়েছে, মাফ করে দিন, I admit my fault, please excuse me. (2) carelessness; negligence: মেহমানের যত্নের ব্যাপারে কোনো কসুর করা হয়নি. (3) failure or omission to do something required: ভদ্রলোককে জব্দ করতে চেষ্টার কোনো কসুর করোনি দেখছি. কসুর করা (verb intransitive) commit an offence; fail or neglect to do something required.
- Bengali Word কস্তা English definition (adjective) of a bright-red colour; scarlet. কস্তাপাড় (noun) wide scarlet border. কস্তাপেড়ে (adjective) having a broad scarlet border: কস্তাপেড়ে শাড়ি.
- Bengali Word কস্তুর, কস্তুরা English definition (noun) deer of central Asia, the male of which yields the perfume musk; the musk-deer.
- Bengali Word কস্তুরী, কস্তুরিকা English definition (noun) a strong-scented secretion from the musk-deer, used in perfumes; musk: কস্তুরী মল্লিকা (noun) sort of flower giving out musky fragrance.
- Bengali Word কস্মিনকালে English definition (adverb) at any time; ever (used for emphasis): এমন কথা কস্মিনকালে ও শুনিনি, have never heard of such a thing.
- Bengali Word কস্য English definition (pronoun) (used in legal deeds) whose; of such and such person.
- Bengali Word কহ English definition (verb transitive) (poet) tell; narrate; answer.
- Bengali Word কহতব্য English definition (adjective) (1) utterable; worth-mentioning; speakable. (2) fit to be expressed. কহতব্য নয় unspeakable; unutterable.
- Bengali Word কহন English definition [কথন] (noun) act of saying/speaking/relating. (adjective) utterable; speakable.
- Bengali Word কহর English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) imprecation of evil; curse: খোদার কহর পড়বে তোমার উপর. (2) misfortune; disaster; natural calamity: দেশে কহর পড়েছে. (3) oppression; tyranny.
- Bengali Word কহা English definition (old use) (verb transitive) to say; to tell (modem use: বলা).
- Bengali Word কা-কা English definition (noun) onomatopoeic word denoting the cry of a raven or crow; cawing of a crow. কা-কা করা (verb intransitive) utter the cry of a crow or raven; caw.
- Bengali Word কাঁক English definition (noun) long-necked bird of the crane family; the heron.