ক পৃষ্ঠা ২২
- Bengali Word কল্কি, কল্কী English definition (noun) the last of the incarnations of Vishnu (কল্কি অবতার), expected in the Purana to appear on earth at the end of the kaliyuga (কলিযুগ) to put an end to irreligiousness. কল্কিপুরাণ (noun) one of the Puranas deaing with কল্কি অবতার.
- Bengali Word কল্কে, কলকি, কলিকা English definition (noun) the bowl of a hubble-bubble which holds the tobacco and cinder.
- Bengali Word কল্প English definition (noun) (1) a day and night of Brahma which according to Hindu belief is equal to a period of 432 million solar years of mortals: কল্পান্ত, কল্পান্তর. (2) one of the six Vedangas or sacred writings treating of rites and ceremonials in Hinduism (also কল্পসূত্র). (3) (grammar) inflexion or suffix denoting approximation or resemblance: মৃতকল্প, পিতৃকল্প, অমৃতকল্প. (4) an aim; an object: রক্ষাকল্পে, উদ্ধার কল্পে, উন্নতিকল্পে. কল্পতরু, কল্পদ্রুম (noun) (Hindu mythology) heavenly tree that generously grants anything one wishes; (figurative) a highly liberal and generous person. কল্পলতা (noun) wish-yielding creeper of the paradise. কল্পলোক (noun) a fancied land full of good things; a dreamland; a Utopia.
- Bengali Word কল্পন English definition (noun) (1) act of planning, devising or thinking. (2) act of resolving or taking a decision. (3) a supposition.
- Bengali Word কল্পনা English definition (noun) (1) forming a picture of something in the mind; poetic imagination: কবি কল্পনা. (2) unfounded opinion or belief; a fancy. (3) a conjecture; a surmise; an inference. (4) the power of creating beauty; the genius of a poet. কল্পনা করা (verb transitive) form a mental image; imagine; fancy; conceive, contrive; invent. কল্পনাকারী (adjective) able to imagine/conceive/contrive/invent. (noun) one who imagines; a fancier; a thinker; an inventor. কল্পনাচিত্র (noun) forms of the fancy; an imaginary portrait. কল্পনাপ্রবণ (adjective) given to fancy; fanciful. কল্পনা বিলাসী (adjective) having visionary ideas; dreamy. কল্পনা শক্তি (noun) faculty of imagination/ invention. কল্পনীয় (adjective) that which can be fancied/imagined; imaginable.
- Bengali Word কল্পিত English definition (adjective) imaginary; fancied; invented contrived.
- Bengali Word কল্পী English definition (adjective) imaginative; imagining; inventing; contriving.
- Bengali Word কল্প্য English definition (adjective) what can be imagined/fancied; conceivable; devisable
- Bengali Word কল্মষ English definition (noun) moral impurity; sin; guilt; dirt; filth. (adjective) sinful; vicious; foul; dirty.
- Bengali Word কল্য English definition (noun) (1) the day after the present; tomorrow. (2) the day before this one; yesterday. আগামীকল্য (noun), (adverb) tomorrow. গতকল্য (noun), (adverb) yesterday. আগামীকল্য রাত (বা রাতে) (adverb) tomorrow night. গতকল্য রাতে (গত রাতে) (adverb) last night. আগামীকল্যকার/ গতকল্যকার (adjective) of tomorrow/ yesterday.
- Bengali Word কল্যাণ English definition (noun) well-being from point of view of health, wealth or happiness. (2) generosity; support; favour; patronage: আপনার কল্যাণে বেঁচে আছি, its your munificence that keeps me going. (3) name of a musical mode: ইমন কল্যাণ. (adjective) benign; gracious; auspicious. কল্যাণ করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) do good (to). কল্যাণ কামনা করা wish (one) good or happiness; bless (one): তোমার কল্যাণ হোক, may you be happy; may you prosper. কল্যাণকর (adjective) beneficial; benignant; benevolent. কল্যাণময় (adjective) beneficent; bountiful কল্যাণময়ী (feminine) = কল্যাণ. কল্যাণাস্পদ (adjective) one who deserves good wishes (word uttered while addressing or referring to a younger person deserving affection).
- Bengali Word কল্যাণীয় English definition (adjective) one whose well being is to be wished. কল্যাণীয়া (feminine) = কল্যাণীয়.
- Bengali Word কল্যাণীয়বর, কল্যাণীয়বরেষু, কল্যাণবরেষু English definition form of address used in a letter to one who is an object of affection.
- Bengali Word কল্যাণীয়েষু English definition (noun) form of address in a letter to a junior. কল্যাণীয়াসু (feminine).
- Bengali Word কল্লা ১ English definition [Persian] (noun) the head: বাবা জানতে পারলে কল্লা থাকবে না (অপরাধের বিষয়), father will inflict a severe punishment when he comes to know of (the crime); the head of a fish, goat etc: মাছের কল্লা, খাসির কল্লা.
- Bengali Word কল্লা ২ English definition [Bangla] (adjective) quarrelsome; wicked; conspiring: কল্লালোক. (noun) a quarrel; a dispute.
- Bengali Word কল্লিদার English definition [(Bangla) কলি > কল্লি + দার (Persian)] (adjective) inlaid with decorative piece of cloth or lace: কল্লিদার কোর্তা.
- Bengali Word কল্লোল English definition (noun) (1) the babble of a running stream; a roaring wave: জল কল্লোল. (2) a great joy or delight. (3) a loud confused noise; a tumult: জন কল্লোল. কল্লোলিত (adjective) full of din and bustle; clamorous; tumultuous: নানা পাখিনাদে কল্লোলিত বন, a forest resounding with the twitter of birds. কল্লোলিনী (adjective) (feminine) clamorous. (noun) a stream; a rivulet.
- Bengali Word কল২ English definition (noun) sweet sound; a pleasing note (as the chirping of birds). (adjective) (of sound) pleasant to the ear; full of melody; melodious. কলকণ্ঠ (adjective) making a sweet sound; having a melodious voice; sweet-toned; (figurative) composing sweet verses: কলকণ্ঠ কবি. কলকণ্ঠী (feminine) = কলকণ্ঠ. (noun) (1) sweet tone; elegant voice. (2) the pigeon. (3) the cuckoo. (4) the swan; the gander. কলকথা (noun) melodious language. কলকল (noun) (1) murmuring noise of running water. (2) the hum made by a number of people talking together. (3) chirping of the birds. কল কলানো (verb transitive) utter musically in a quavering manner; sing musically; carol; warble: খাবিদাবি কল কলাবি. কল কাকলি (noun) quavering melodious sound; sweet humming sound. কলকুঞ্জন, কলগুঞ্জন (noun) a low continued or repeated sound; sweet murmur. কলতান (noun) sweet note; melodious tune. কলধ্বনি (noun) a short shrill note of birds; chirping. কলনাদ = কলধ্বনি. কলনাদী (adjective) murmuring; sweetly warbling কলনাদিনী (feminine) = কলনাদী. কলনাদিনী স্রোতস্বিনী murmuring stream. কলরব, কলরোল (noun) confused noise; uproar; tumult. কলস্বন, কলস্বর (noun) low musical sound: নদীর কলস্বন. (adjective) melodious in tune. কলস্বরে (adverb) melodiously; very sweetly. কলহংস (noun) the male of the duck or gander that makes the murmuring sound কলহংসী (feminine) = কলহংস. কলহাস্য (noun) laughter with a sweet cackle; gentle burst of laughter. কলহাস্য করা (verb intransitive) laugh cacklingly. কলহাসিনী (noun) (feminine) one who laughs cacklingly.
- Bengali Word কশ English definition [Persian] (noun) (1) the two points joining the upper and the lower lips: কশ দিয়ে পানের পিক গড়াচ্ছে. (2) a projecting extremity; a corner; a nook.