ক পৃষ্ঠা ৬
- Bengali Word কনক English definition (noun) precious metal used for making jewellery; gold. (adjective) having the lustre of gold; bright as gold; golden. কনক চাঁপা (noun) golden-coloured sweet-scented flower or its plant, কনক প্রভ (adjective) bright or shining as gold. কনক প্রভা (noun) the lustre of gold. কনক বরণ (adjective) golden-coloured. কনক মুকুট (noun) crown of gold; golden crown. কনকলতা (noun) creeping plant of golden colour; golden creeper.
- Bengali Word কনকন English definition (interjection) denoting aching pain, bitterness of cold or biting sensation. কনকনে (adjective) aching; piercing; biting. কনকনে শীত biting cold.
- Bengali Word কনিষ্ঠ English definition (adjective) younger in age; youngest: কনিষ্ঠভ্রাতা, younger brother; সর্ব কনিষ্ঠ, youngest. কনিষ্ঠা (feminine) = কনিষ্ঠ.
- Bengali Word কনুই English definition (noun) the bend or joint of the arm; elbow.
- Bengali Word কনে English definition (noun) (1) girl about to be married; a bride. (2) a virgin of marriageable age. (3) a newly-married wife. কনে বউ (noun) (1) a newly-married wife. (2) a child-wife.
- Bengali Word কন্দ ১ English definition (noun) a bulbous root; fleshy part of an underground stem with buds from which new plants will grow; tuber.
- Bengali Word কন্দ ২ English definition [Arabic] (noun) sugar-candy.
- Bengali Word কন্দর English definition (noun) a mountain-cave; a cavern; (figurative) the inside of a thing: হৃদয় কন্দর.
- Bengali Word কন্দর্প English definition (noun) Kamadeva, the Hindu god of love. কন্দর্প কান্তি (adjective) handsome as Kandarpa.
- Bengali Word কন্না English definition (noun) that which a person is bound to perform; an obligation. ঘর কন্না (noun) work of a housewife; housewifery.
- Bengali Word কন্যা English definition (noun) (1) a female offspring; a daughter. (2) a virgin; a marriageable girl. (3) the heroine at a marriage festival; a bride: কন্যা পক্ষ. কন্যাদান (noun) act of giving a daughter in marriage. কন্যাদায় (noun) the responsibility of marrying a daughter; the state of being burdened with a marriageable daughter. কন্যাদায়গ্রস্ত (adjective) burdened with the responsibility of disposing a marriageable daughter whose marriage is long overdue.
- Bengali Word কপচানো English definition (verb transitive) (1) utter or reproduce set words of speech like a parrot (ie without understanding the import of what is said). (2) learn something by rote; memorize something. (3) prattle empty words in order to parade one’s learning.
- Bengali Word কপট English definition (adjective) (1) given to deceiving; deceitful; hypocritical; insincere: কপট সাধু, কপট বন্ধু. (2) apt to deceive; delusive; false; fraudulent: কপটবেশ. (noun) trickery; chicanery; deceit. কপটতা, কাপট্য (noun).
- Bengali Word কপর্দক English definition (noun) (1) (figurative) medium of exchange of the smallest denomination; a penny: আমি কপর্দকহীন, I am penniless. (2) the smallest amount of money/ riches: তোমাকে এক কপর্দক ও দেবো না.
- Bengali Word কপাট, কবাট English definition (noun) (1) a door or the shutters of a door; door-panels: কপাট খোলা, open a door; কপাট লাগানো, shut a door. (2) a veil or cover of anything: মনের কপাট.
- Bengali Word কপাটি ১, কবাডি English definition (noun) sort of Bangladeshi outdoor game.
- Bengali Word কপাটি ২ English definition (noun) tetanus of the jaw; trismus; lock-jaw: দাঁত কপাটি.
- Bengali Word কপাল English definition (noun) (1) the front part of the face above the eyes; the forehead: সুডৌল কপাল. (2) the bony case of the brain; the cranium; the skull: নর কপাল, skull-bone. (3) luck; mere chance; fortune: কপাল গুণে সে আজ কারখানার মালিক. কপালক্রমে (adverb) by luck/chance; luckily; fortunately. কপাল গুণে (adverb) (1) by good luck; fortunately. (2) unluckily; unfortunately. কপাল খোলা (verb intransitive) be lucky/ favoured with fortune: তার কপাল খুলেছে, fortune has smiled upon him; his stars are in the ascendant. কপাল জোড় (noun) the favour of fortune. কপাল পোড়া (verb intransitive) lose the favour of fortune; be unlucky. কপাল ফেরা (verb intransitive) be on the rise; begin to flourish. ভাঙা কপাল জোড়া লাগে না lose luck is like a broken glass. কপালের ফের (noun) the irony of fate. কপালের লিখন (noun) the decree of fate. হায় কপাল (interjection) oh dear! Dear me!
- Bengali Word কপালি English definition (noun) the horizontal part of the door or window frame; the lintel.
- Bengali Word কপালী English definition (noun) a Bengali Hindu caste/ community.