ক পৃষ্ঠা ৮
- Bengali Word কবাব English definition (noun) a dish of small pieces of meat seasoned and roasted. কাবাব চিনি [Arabic + Persian] (noun) kind of spice akin to black pepper.
- Bengali Word কবালা English definition [Arabic] (noun) deed of sale; legal document embodying transfer of real property. কবালা করে দেওয়া (verb transitive) make over (real property) by a deed. কট কবালা (noun) deed of conditional sale.
- Bengali Word কবি English definition (noun) a person distinguished for poetic talents; one who consistently practises the art of poetry; a composer of verses; a poet. কবি গান (noun) sort of Bengali folk song in which two parties led by their respective chiefs alternately present songs and verses on debatable themes in the form of questions and answers composed in the main extemporaneously.
- Bengali Word কবিগুরু English definition (noun) the chief among poets.
- Bengali Word কবিতা English definition (noun) a piece of poetry; a composition in verse; a poem. গীতি কবিতা (noun) a poem written in a metre originally intended to be song; a poem in manner or matter resembling a song; a lyric poem.
- Bengali Word কবিত্ব English definition (noun) poetic imagination; the genius of a poet: কবিত্ব বিধাতার দান. কবিত্বপূর্ণ, কবিত্বময় (adjective) full of poetry/poetical beauty. কবিত্বশক্তি (noun) poetical genius/ talent.
- Bengali Word কবিরা English definition [Arabic] (adjective) attended with serious consequence; grave. (noun) a grave sin: কবিরা গুনাহ.
- Bengali Word কবিরাজ English definition (noun) (1) medical practitioner who follows the Ayurvedic system of treatment; one versed in Ayurvedic system of medicine. (2) honourable title given to a poet in recognition of his poetic genius meaning the prince of poets.
- Bengali Word কবিরাজি English definition (noun) the profession of an Ayurvedic physician. (adjective) Ayurvedic: কবিরাজি চিকিৎসা.
- Bengali Word কবিয়াল English definition (noun) group leader of ‘কবিগান’; a professional versifier.
- Bengali Word কবুতর English definition [Persian] (noun) the pigeon.
- Bengali Word কবুল English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) consent to one’s marriage proposal; acceptance of the terms of one’s marriage contract. (2) the defendant’s admission of the plaintiff's claims: আমি অন্যায় কবুল করছি. (3) acceptance of an offer; granting of a prayer: হে আল্লাহ্ আমার মোনাজাত কবুল করো. কবুল করা (verb transitive) grant; accept; admit; confess.
- Bengali Word কবুলিয়ত English definition [Arabic] (noun) deed of agreement executed by a tenant undertaking to abide by the terms of the lease and pay the land owner the stipulated rent regularly.
- Bengali Word কবে ১ English definition (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (colloquial) will say/ tell: সত্য কথা কবে.
- Bengali Word কবে ২ English definition (adverb) when; at what at time; on what day: কবে আসবে. (interjection) long ago; many years back: কবে মরে গেছে! কবেকার (adverb) (1) of what time: কবেকার কথা? (2) of long ago: সেই কবেকার কথা, আজ কি আর মনে আছে!
- Bengali Word কব্জা English definition কবজা
- Bengali Word কব্জি, কবজি English definition (noun) the joint by which the hand is united to the arm; the wrist.
- Bengali Word কবয়ী English definition = কই ১
- Bengali Word কভু English definition (adverb) ever; at any time.
- Bengali Word কম English definition [Persian] (adjective) (1) small in size, amount or number; short; inadequate: পণ্যের বাজারে আমদানি কম, জিনিসের দাম কম নয়, things are not cheap. (2) less (than); short of: একশ’ টাকার কম নয়. (3) inferior; inefficient; deficient: তুমিই বা কম কিসে. (4) few; rare: এমন লোক কমই দেখা যায়. (5) of little merit; ordinary: এটা কম কথা নয়, its not a trifling matter/matter of joke. কম করা, কমানো (verb transitive) lessen; reduce; decrease; abate; curtail: সংসার খরচ কমানো, cut down/ curtail one’s household expenses. কম পড়া (verb transitive) fall short (of). কম হওয়া, কমে যাওয়া (verb transitive) fall off/ away; diminish: দর কমেছে, prices have fallen/ gone down. কমকম (adjective) slightly less; not full/ filled up; incomplete. কমজাত (adjective) low-born; mean-minded; base. কমজোর (adjective) weak; feeble; infirm. কমজোরি (noun) weakness; feebleness; debility. কমনজর [Persian + Arabic] (adjective) (1) weak-sighted. (2) base; mean-minded. কমবক্ত, কম্বখ্ত (adjective) (1) unlucky; unfortunate; wretched. (2) dull-witted; unintelligent. কমবক্তি, কমবখ্তি (noun) lucklessness; misfortune. (adjective) (feminine) Iuckless; unfortunate. কমবেশ (adjective), (adverb) aproximate; approximately; more or less. কম সে কম [Persian + Urdu], কমপক্ষে (adverb) at least; at the minimum.