ক পৃষ্ঠা ৭
- Bengali Word কপালে, কপালিয়া English definition (adjective) lucky; fortunate.
- Bengali Word কপি ১ English definition (noun) small species of ape; the monkey.
- Bengali Word কপি ২ English definition (noun) kinds of kitchen vegetable; cabbage. ওলকপি (noun) cabbage with turnip-shaped stem; kohlrabi. ফুলকপি (noun) cabbage plant with a large flower-head; cauliflower. বাঁধাকপি (noun) vegetable with a round heart of thick leaves; cabbage.
- Bengali Word কপি ৩ English definition [English] (noun) (1) a duplicate copy; a transcript; a facsimile. (2) matter for printing; copy. কপি করা (verb transitive) make a copy or duplicate of. কপি-করা (adjective) copied.
- Bengali Word কপিকল English definition (noun) a hoisting mechanism consisting of a grooved wheel in a block; a pulley.
- Bengali Word কপোত English definition (noun) bird of the dove family; the pigeon. কপোতী (feminine) = কপোত. কপোত-মিথুন (noun) a pigeon-couple; a pair of male and female doves.
- Bengali Word কপোতাক্ষ English definition (noun) the river Kobodak in the district of Jessore in Bangladesh famous for its association with the name of the great poet Michael Madhusudan Dutt who was born at Sagardari on the bank of the river.
- Bengali Word কপোল English definition (noun) either side of the face below the eye; the cheek. কপোল-কল্পনা (noun) figments of the imagination; fanciful imagery. কপোল-কল্পিত (adjective) imaginery; fictitious.
- Bengali Word কফ ১ English definition (noun) viscid matter of the respiratory passage; the bronchial mucus; phlegm. কফ তোলা (verb intransitive) cough out.
- Bengali Word কফ ২ English definition [(English) cuff, (Arabic) কাফ্] (noun) the lower portion of the shirt-sleeve; the strengthened band at the end of a sleeve.
- Bengali Word কফি English definition [English] (noun) (1) evergreen shrub bearing small berries with highly-flavoured seeds. (2) these berries ground and roasted. (3) beverage made from this.
- Bengali Word কফিন English definition [English] (noun) the chest in which a dead human body is buried according to Christian rite; a coffin.
- Bengali Word কবচ ১ English definition (noun) (1) a protective garment made from metal rings or plates worn as armour by soldiers in former times; coat of mail: দুর্ভেদ্য কবচ. (2) something worn in the belief or hope that it will protect the wearer against evil, etc or cure him of a disease or bring him good luck; an amulet; a talisman; a trinket.
- Bengali Word কবচ ২, কবজ English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) a rent-receipt; a promissory note; a bond. (2) forceful occupation; seizure; grip: আজরাইল জান কবচ করে.
- Bengali Word কবজা, কব্জা English definition [Arabic] (noun) the hook or joint on which the shutters of a door, etc hang and turn; the hinges.
- Bengali Word কবর English definition [Arabic] (noun) a grave; a tomb. কবরখানা, কবরগাহ্ [Arabic + Persian] (noun) a graveyard; a burial-ground. কবর দেওয়া (verb transitive) bury; inter.[Arabic] (noun) a grave; a tomb. কবরখানা, কবরগাহ্ [Arabic + Persian] (noun) a graveyard; a burial-ground. কবর দেওয়া (verb transitive) bury; inter.
- Bengali Word কবরী English definition (noun) coil of hair worn by women at the back of the head; lock or braid of hair; a chignon. কবরী বন্ধন (noun) braiding of hair; hair-dressing. কবরী ভূষণ (noun) items of decoration for the hair or chignon, eg, hairpin, hair-net or flowers.
- Bengali Word কবল English definition (noun) (1) act of swallowing or devouring. (2) a sudden, clutching snatch; act of grabbing; a grip; a hold. কবলিত (adjective) seized; gripped; possessed: ব্যাঘ্র কবলিত. কালের করাল কবলে sunk into the abyss of eternity.
- Bengali Word কবাট English definition = কপাট
- Bengali Word কবাটি English definition = কপাটি