ঝ পৃষ্ঠা ৬
- Bengali Word ঝিনুক English definition (noun) (1) a bivalve mollusc; the cockle; the oyster. (2) ear shaped valve of the cockle; an abalone. (3) metallic spoon in the shape of an abalone.
- Bengali Word ঝিম English definition (noun) a listless and dreamy state; languidness; lassitude: ঝিম হয়ে বসে থাকা.
- Bengali Word ঝিমঝিম English definition (interjection) indicating dizziness. গা ঝিমঝিম করা (verb intransitive) feel dizziness.
- Bengali Word ঝিমনি, ঝিমুনি English definition (noun) drowsiness; nodding in slumber; dozing.
- Bengali Word ঝিমানো English definition (verb intransitive) nod in slumber; drowse; doze.
- Bengali Word ঝিরঝির English definition (interjection) suggesting a gentle current of air: ঝিরঝির করে বাতাস বইছে, A gentle breeze is blowing. ঝিরঝিরে বাতাস (noun) a gentle breeze. ঝিরঝির করে বৃষ্টি পড়ছে It is drizzling.
- Bengali Word ঝিল English definition (noun) a long pool of water.
- Bengali Word ঝিলমিল ১ English definition [Hindi] (noun) a shutter; a Venetian blind.
- Bengali Word ঝিলমিল ২ English definition (interjection) denoting a glittering or flashing or quick vibration of light. ঝিলমিল করা (verb intransitive) sparkle finely. ঝিলমিলে (adjective) that which is sparkling.
- Bengali Word ঝিলিক English definition (noun) a flash; a glitter; a lustre. ঝিলিক দেওয়া (verb intransitive) sparkle with light; be showy or striking; glitter.
- Bengali Word ঝিল্লি, ঝিল্লিকা English definition (noun) (1) = ঝিঁঝিঁ. (2) a thin flexible texture in animal bodies; membrane.
- Bengali Word ঝুঁকা English definition = ঝোঁকা
- Bengali Word ঝুঁকি English definition (noun) a responsibility that involves risk; hazard; peril; jeopardy. ঝুঁকি লওয়া (verb intransitive) dare to risk. ঝুঁকি সামলানো (verb intransitive) accomplish a risky job successfully.
- Bengali Word ঝুঁটি English definition (noun) (1) tuft of hair on the crown of the head tied in a bun. (2) crash on the head of a bird: কাকাতুয়ার ঝুঁটি. (3) the hump of a bull. ঝুঁটি বাঁধা (verb intransitive) tie up hair into a knot.
- Bengali Word ঝুটা, ঝুটো English definition [Hindi] (adjective) false; feigned; faked. (2) (of a meal) partly eaten.
- Bengali Word ঝুনা, ঝুনো English definition (adjective) (1) mature and hardened: ঝুনা নারকেল. (2) experienced; veteran: ঝুনা লোক.
- Bengali Word ঝুপ English definition (interjection) denoting the sound of a plunge into water or the sound of a dive or dip. ঝুপ করে (adverb) with a plunge/dive/dip.
- Bengali Word ঝুপড়ি English definition (noun) a small cottage made of tree-leaves, wicker, bamboo, etc.
- Bengali Word ঝুমকা English definition (noun) (1) passion flower; passiflora. (2) earring with pendants.
- Bengali Word ঝুমঝুম English definition (interjection) denoting soft jingling of anklets/ornaments.