ঝ পৃষ্ঠা ৭
- Bengali Word ঝুমঝুমি English definition (noun) a rattle for children that makes a clattering sound.
- Bengali Word ঝুমরি English definition (noun) (music) a musical note.
- Bengali Word ঝুমুর English definition (noun) a kind of love-song accompanied with dance.
- Bengali Word ঝুরঝুর English definition (adverb) by small bits; in loose grains. ঝরঝুরে (adjective) having minute particles; granular.
- Bengali Word ঝুরি English definition [Hindi] (noun) (1) hanging or aerial root of a tree: বটের ঝুরি. (2) a kind of crisp snack (also ঝুরি ভাজা).
- Bengali Word ঝুল English definition (noun) (1) black substance caught in cobweb; soot: ঝুল কালি. (2) vertical or downward length (of a garment, etc).
- Bengali Word ঝুলন English definition (noun) act of swinging; oscillation; the Hindu festival of this name (also ঝুলন যাত্রা).
- Bengali Word ঝুলা English definition (verb intransitive) (1) oscillate; be suspended; hang. (2) (hum) be hanged. (3) incline towards; lean to; be partial or biased to. (4) in action; in the process: মামলা ঝুলছে. ঝুলানো (verb transitive) (1) hang; suspend. (2) (hum) hang by the neck: ফাঁসিতে ঝুলানো.
- Bengali Word ঝুলি English definition (noun) a cloth-bag that can be carried by suspending from the shoulder. ঝুলি ঝাড়া (adjective) available on unloading a bag or wallet. ঝুলি লওয়া (verb intransitive) take to begging.
- Bengali Word ঝুড়ি English definition (noun) a basket; a scuttle. ঝুড়ি ঝুড়ি (adverb) basketfuls of: ঝুড়ি ঝুড়ি আম.
- Bengali Word ঝোঁক English definition (noun) (1) bent of mind; inclination: পড়াশুনার ঝোঁক. (2) a favourite object of pursuit; hobby: ভ্রমণের ঝোঁক. (3) overwhelming influence; addiction: নেশার ঝোঁক. (4) bias; leaving: একদিকে ঝোঁক.
- Bengali Word ঝোঁকা, ঝুঁকা English definition (verb intransitive) (1) bend the body forward and downward; stoop. (2) be partial or biased. (3) be attracted; have interest for.
- Bengali Word ঝোঁটন English definition (noun) a crest on the head (as of a bird). (adjective) having a crest; crested: ঝোঁকা বুলবুলি.
- Bengali Word ঝোপ English definition (noun) a small wood; a thicket of small trees and undergrowth; a bush; a copse. ঝোপঝাড় (noun) underwood: coppice.
- Bengali Word ঝোরা ১ English definition (noun) (1) a fountain: পাগলা ঝোরা. (2) a water course.
- Bengali Word ঝোরা ২ English definition (noun) rice plant bearing no corn.
- Bengali Word ঝোল English definition (noun) the fluid of a curry; soup. ঝোল ভাত (noun) rice and soup. ঝোল ভাত খাওয়ানো (figurative) teach one a lesson; subject one to discipline.
- Bengali Word ঝোলা ১ English definition (verb intransitive) (1) hang loosely; dangle: গাছের ডাল থেকে ঝোলা. (2) swing; oscillate. (adjective) swinging; pendent; hanging; oscillatory.
- Bengali Word ঝোলা ২ English definition (noun) a large-size cloth bag.
- Bengali Word ঝোলাগুড় English definition (noun) liquid treacle; molasses.