ঝ পৃষ্ঠা ৮
- Bengali Word ঝোলাঝুলি English definition (noun) (plural) one’s luggage and belongings collectively; baggage. ঝোলাঝুলি সহ (adverb) bag and baggage.
- Bengali Word ঝোড়া English definition (verb transitive) lop off the unwanted portion; trim (a tree).
- Bengali Word ঝড় English definition (noun) a violent and usually destructive commotion in the atmosphere; a rainstorm; tempest; nor’wester. ঝড় ঝাপটা (noun) (1) storm; tempest. (2) (figurative) dangers and difficulties; trials and tribulations. ঝড় তুফান (noun) violent storm accompanied by high waves.
- Bengali Word ঝড়ো English definition (adjective) (1) like a storm; of or pertaining to a storm; stormy; tempestuous: ঝড়ো বাতাস. (2) storm-beaten: ঝড়ো আম, ঝড়ো কাক.