ড পৃষ্ঠা ৩
- Bengali Word ডাকবাংলা, ডাকবাংলো English definition [Hindi] (noun) a rest house for officers and travellers; a dak bungalow.
- Bengali Word ডাকসাইটে English definition = ডাক ১
- Bengali Word ডাকা English definition (verb transitive) (1) ask (one) to come: চাকরকে ডাকা. (2) summon: আদালতে ডাকা. (3) ask to an entertainment; invite: ভোজ উৎসবে ডাকা. (4) (at an auction sale) bid for; offer certain price: নিলাম ডাকা. (5) (cards, bridge) make a bid. (6) address in prayer; summon aid from; invoke: ঈশ্বরকে ডাকা. (7) make an undesirable or morbid sound: নাক ডাকা, পেট ডাকা. (8) roar or rumble: মেঘ ডাকা, সমুদ্র ডাকা. (9) call one; address one: নাম ধরে ডাকা. ডাকাডাকি 1 calling one repeatedly. (2) sending for one frequently. (3) asking people in a loud voice to come and gather together. ডাকানো (verb transitive) send for (one). ডেকে আনা (verb transitive) fetch (one). ডেকে আনানো (verb transitive) summon (one) (by a messenger). ডেকে পাঠানো (verb transitive) send for. পাখি ডাকা (adjective) resounding with the chirping of birds. বিপদ ডেকে আনা be the cause of a mishap by one’s own imprudence.
- Bengali Word ডাকাত, ডাকাইত English definition [Hindi] (noun) member of a gang of armed robbers; a dacoit; a brigand; a bandit. ডাকাত পড়া be raided by a gang of robbers. ডাকাতি (noun) dacoity; robbery; banditry brigandage. ডাকাতি করা (verb intransitive) commit robbery. ডাকাতে কালী (noun) goddess Kali as worshipped by dacoits. দিনে ডাকাতি (noun) (figurative) act of open corruption.
- Bengali Word ডাকাবুকা English definition (adjective) uncommonly daring; dare-devil.
- Bengali Word ডাকিনী English definition = ডাইনি
- Bengali Word ডাকু English definition = ডাকাত
- Bengali Word ডাক্তার English definition (noun) (1) a practitioner in medicine; a physician; a doctor. (2) person who has received the highest university degree ‘Doctor of Philosophy (abbreviation Ph D)’. ডাক্তারখানা (noun) (1) medical establishment where sick and injured persons are received and treated; a hospital; a clinic. (2) place where medicines are dispensed as per doctor’s advice; a dispensary; pharmacy. ডাক্তার দেখানো (verb intransitive) (1) (of a disease) cause to be examined by a doctor for medical advice and treatment. (2) be under the treatment of a doctor. ডাক্তারি (noun) (1) the science of medicine and surgery. (2) medical treatment. (3) the profession of a physician. ডাক্তারি (adjective) pertaining to physicians.
- Bengali Word ডাগর English definition (adjective) large; big, prominent: ডাগর চোখ. (2) grown up; aged; adult: ডাগর মেয়ে. ডাগর হওয়া (verb intransitive) grow big; develop. ডাগর ডাগর (adjective) very big and prominent. ডাগর ডোগর (adjective) appearing prominent.
- Bengali Word ডাঙর, ডাঙ্গর English definition (adjective) big; large; fat.
- Bengali Word ডাঙ্গশ, ডাঙ্গস English definition (noun) a pointed stick for driving an elephant; a good.
- Bengali Word ডাঙ্গা English definition (noun) (1) dry land; up land: ডাঙ্গা জমি. (2) the bank of a river: ডাঙ্গায় নামা. ডাঙ্গা পথ (noun) overland route. ডাঙ্গায় বাঘ জলে কুমির (figurative) between the devil and the deep sea; between the horns of a dilemma.
- Bengali Word ডাণ্ডা English definition (noun) a thick wooden rod; a short bamboo staff. ডাণ্ডা মারা (verb transitive) strike or hit with a rod. ডাণ্ডাগুলি = ডাংগুলি.
- Bengali Word ডান English definition = ডাইন
- Bengali Word ডানপিটে English definition (adjective) daring without judgment; foolhardy; dare-devil; reckless; obstinate. ডানপিটেগিরি (noun) dare-devil activities. ডানপিটের মরণ গাছের আগায় a reckless person comes by a violent death.
- Bengali Word ডানা English definition (noun) a wing (as of birds); a fin (as of fishes). ডানাকাটা (adjective) having the wings cut off. ডানাকাটা পরী (noun) (1) fairy with the wings cut off. (2) a girl as beautiful as a fairy.
- Bengali Word ডাব English definition (noun) green coconut.
- Bengali Word ডাবর English definition (noun) (1) vessel for betel leaves. (2) a small metal basin.
- Bengali Word ডাবা, ডাব্বা English definition (noun) (1) large earthen trough or tub. (2) a hookah with a water container made of coconut shell.
- Bengali Word ডামাডোল English definition (noun) tumultuous confusion; wild uproar; widespread disorder; hurly-burly: যুদ্ধের ডামাডোল.