ড পৃষ্ঠা ৬
- Bengali Word ডেস্ক English definition [English] an inclining table to write or read upon; a portable case for the same purpose; a desk.
- Bengali Word ডোঙ্গা English definition (noun) (1) a small and narrow boat. (2) a boat made of the trunk of a fanpalm or palmyra. (3) a dug-out or hollowed-out canoe from a trunk of tree used for irrigation purpose; a bail; a bale.
- Bengali Word ডোজ English definition [English] (noun) the quantity of medicine given at one time; a dose.
- Bengali Word ডোবা ১ English definition (noun) a ditch filled with water.
- Bengali Word ডোবা ২ English definition = ডুবা
- Bengali Word ডোম English definition (noun) (1) a Hindu caste having the assigned duty of burning the dead and looking after the crematorium. (2) a member of this caste.
- Bengali Word ডোর English definition (noun) thread; a string (of a garland); a rope. (2) (figurative) a tie; a bond; an attraction: মায়া ডোর. (3) the outer garment of the Vaishnavas: ডোর কৌপীন.
- Bengali Word ডোরা English definition (noun) a stripe; a streak. ডোরা-কাটা, ডোরা-ডোরা (adjective) having stripes of different colours; striped; streaky.
- Bengali Word ডোল ১ English definition (noun) (1) large hollow basket made of bamboo slips, etc used for keeping grain, etc. (2) a bucket for drawing water from a well.
- Bengali Word ডোল ২, ডোলা English definition (noun) large litter; a palanquin.
- Bengali Word ডোল ৩ English definition [English] (noun) gratuity awarded to the poor and destitute; dole.
- Bengali Word ডৌল English definition [Hindi] (noun) the make or form of anything; external appearance: সুডৌল. ডৌল করা (verb transitive) give shape to; mould; adapt; adjust; fashion. সুডৌল (adjective) beautiful shape; symmetrical; graceful.