ড পৃষ্ঠা ৪
- Bengali Word ডাম্বেল English definition = ডম্বল
- Bengali Word ডাল ১ English definition (noun) (1) pigeon pea; pulse. (2) soup of pigeon pea.
- Bengali Word ডাল ২ English definition (noun) a bough; a branch (of a tree); a twig.
- Bengali Word ডালকুত্তা English definition (noun) tall, slender, fast-running dog kept for the chase; a greyhound. ডালকুত্তা লেলিয়ে দেওয়া set a greyhound on.
- Bengali Word ডালনা English definition (noun) a kind of curry.
- Bengali Word ডালা English definition (noun) (1) flat basket with a high rim; a high-rimmed tray. (2) a tray containing offerings.
- Bengali Word ডালি English definition (noun) a basket full of articles or offerings to a deity: পুজোর ডালি.
- Bengali Word ডালিম English definition (noun) the pomegranate.
- Bengali Word ডাহা English definition (adjective) pure; unmixed. ডাহা মিথ্যা downright falsehood; arrant lie.
- Bengali Word ডায়মন English definition [English] (noun) (1) diamond. (2) level-work as is done on a piece of diamond. ডায়মন-কাটা (adjective) having decorative works of bevelled pattern: ডায়মন-কাটা বালা.
- Bengali Word ডায়েরি English definition [English] (noun) book for daily record of events, thoughts, etc; a diary.
- Bengali Word ডিক্রি, ডিক্রী English definition [English] (noun) a judicial decision; judgment of a court; decree. ডিক্রিদার (noun) one in whose favour a decree is issued; a decree-holder. ডিক্রিজারি করা (verb intransitive) execute a decree. ডিক্রি পাওয়া (verb intransitive) obtain a decree.
- Bengali Word ডিগবাজি English definition (noun) a leap in which the heels turn over the head; a turn of the body in the air; a tumble; a somersault. ডিগবাজি খাওয়া (verb intransitive) (1) play a somersault. (2) (figurative) change one’s views for convenience: রাজনৈতিক ডিগবাজি.
- Bengali Word ডিগ্রি English definition [English] (noun) (1) a grade or a step; a graduation on a scale; 360th part of a revolution. (2) a mark of distinction conferred by universities; degree.
- Bengali Word ডিঙ্গা English definition (noun) a boat; a canoe.
- Bengali Word ডিঙ্গানো English definition (verb transitive) cross by leaping; leap over: বেড়া ডিঙ্গানো.
- Bengali Word ডিঙ্গি English definition (noun) a small boat.
- Bengali Word ডিপো English definition [English] (noun) (1) a place for deposit of something; a depot. (2) a birth-place or breeding ground: রোগের ডিপো.
- Bengali Word ডিবা, ডিবে English definition (noun) (1) a small box or container: পানের ডিবা. (2) a lamp without a chimney: কেরোসিনের ডিবা.
- Bengali Word ডিম English definition (noun) (1) eggs of hens or ducks (used as human food). (2) eggs of birds; reptiles or insects. (3) eggs of fish and certain water animals, frogs; spawn. ডিম ছাড়া (verb intransitive) spawn. ডিম পাড়া (verb intransitive) lay an egg. ডিমে তা দেওয়া (verb intransitive) hatch eggs. ডিমের কুসুম (noun) the yolk. ডিমের শ্বেতাংশ (noun) the white of an egg; glair. ডিমের খোলা (noun) an egg-shell. ঘোড়ার ডিম (noun) something absurd; a mare’s nest.