শ পৃষ্ঠা ২৩
- Bengali Word শিয়াল English definition (noun) jackal; fox. শিয়ালী (feminine) = শিয়াল. শিয়াল কাঁটা, শিয়াকাঁটা (noun) a wild thorny plant; Argemone mexicana. শিয়াল ফাঁকি (noun) hoodwinking. শিয়ালের যুক্তি (noun) mischievous counsel/ plan. সব শিয়ালের এক রা (figurative) people of the same sort will raise the same cry.
- Bengali Word শীকর English definition (noun) fine/ drizzling rain; drizzle; spray; mist. শীকর কণা (noun) drop of rain/ water. শীকর বর্ষী (adjective) raining in fine drops; drizzling.
- Bengali Word শীগগির English definition (colloquial) = শীঘ্র
- Bengali Word শীঘ্র English definition (adjective) quick; swift; rapid; speedy; prompt. (adverb) quickly swiftly; rapidly; promptly; speedily. শীঘ্রকারী (adjective) acting/ operating speedily; prompt (in action). শীঘ্রগতি, শীঘ্রগামী (adjective) going/ moving/ running quickly; nimble-footed; fast; swift; fast-moving. শীঘ্রচেতন (adjective) having quick intellect; very sagacious. শীঘ্রতা (noun) swiftness; speed; rapidity; promptness. শীঘ্রবুদ্ধি (adjective) quick-witted. শীঘ্রবেধী (adjective) shooting quickly. (noun) good archer. শীঘ্রায়মান = শীঘ্রগতি.
- Bengali Word শীত English definition (noun) (1) cold season; winter. (2) cold; coldness; chill; cold weather; chilliness. (adjective) cold; cool; chilly; frigid; apathetic. শীত করা / শীত ধরা / শীত লাগা (verb intransitive) feel cold; shiver with cold. শীত কাটানো (verb intransitive) winter. শীত কেটেছে winter is at end; be relieved of the sensation of cold. শীত পড়েছে winter has set in; it is cold (today). শীতক (noun) refrigerator. শীতকর (adjective) causing coolness; (noun) the moon. শীত কাঁটা (noun) goose-flesh caused by (sudden) sensation of cold. শীতকাতর, শীতকাতুরে (adjective) oversensitive to cold. শীতকাতরতা (noun) over-sensitiveness to cold. শীতকাল (noun) cold season; winter (season); cold weather. শীতকালীন (adjective) belonging to/ produced in the cold season; winter; wintry. শীতকিরণ (noun) the moon. শীতন (noun) refrigeration. শীতপিত্ত (noun) nettle rash. শীতপ্রধান দেশ (noun) cold country. শীতবস্ত্র (noun) warm clothes; winter garment; woolen clothes. শীতভীরু (adjective) afraid of cold. শীতময়ূখ, শীতরশ্মি noun(s) the moon. শীতাংশু (noun) ‘cold-rayed’ the moon. শীতাকুল (adjective) benumbed with cold; frozen. শীতাগম (noun) advent of cold/ winter. শীতাতপ (noun) cold and heat; winter and summer. শীতাতপনিয়ন্ত্রণ (noun) air-conditioning. শীতাতপনিয়ন্ত্রিত (adjective) air-conditioned. শীতাতপসহিষ্ণু (adjective) resistant to cold and heat. শীতাদ্রি (noun) snowy mountains; the Himalayas. শীতাধিক্য (noun) excess of cold. শীতার্ত (adjective) suffering from/ stricken with cold; shivering with cold. শীতার্দ্র (adjective) cold and humid. শীতালু = শীতার্ত. শীতে কাঁপা (verb intransitive) shiver with cold.
- Bengali Word শীতল ১ English definition (adjective) (1) cold; cool; cooling; chilly; frosty; shivering. (2) soothing; free from passion: শীতল কথা. (3) soothed; warmed up: প্রাণ শীতল. শীতল করা (verb transitive) cool; make cold; assuage; soothe. শীতলতা, শীতলত্ব (noun(s)) coldness; cool; insensitivity; apathy; indifference. শীতল পাটি (noun) kind of mat very cool and soothing to lie on. শীতল স্তম্ভ (noun) hibernation. শীতল স্পর্শ (adjective) cool to the touch. (noun) (figurative) soothing touch.
- Bengali Word শীতল ২ English definition (noun) a Hindu religious rite observed in the evening: শীতল দেওয়া.
- Bengali Word শীতলা English definition (noun) (feminine) (1) small-pox. (2) the goddess inflicting small-pox.
- Bengali Word শীতলীকরণ English definition (noun) cooling; making cool.
- Bengali Word শীতলীভবন English definition (noun) cooling; getting cool.
- Bengali Word শীতুড়ি English definition (noun) winter clothes.
- Bengali Word শীতোষ্ণ English definition (adjective) cold and hot; tepid. শীতোষ্ণ বলয় (noun) (geography) temperate zone.
- Bengali Word শীতোষ্ণ ২ English definition (noun) (1) spirituous liquor distilled from molasses; rum (or any similar spirit). (2) (figurative) nectar. শীতোষ্ণ গন্ধ (noun) (adjective) (having the) smell of rum/ spirituous liquor. শীতোষ্ণপ, শীতোষ্ণপায়ী adjective(s) drinking spirits. noun(s) drunkard. শীতোষ্ণ পান (noun) drinking of spirits.
- Bengali Word শীত্যভাব English definition (noun) cold state; becoming cool; coldness.
- Bengali Word শীর্ণ English definition (adjective) (1) lean; emaciated; thin; slender. (2) withered; faded; shrivelled; shrunk. শীর্ণা (feminine) = শীর্ণ. শীর্ণকায় (adjective) lean-bodied; scraggy; emaciated; leggy; lanky; slight. শীর্ণতা, শীর্ণত্ব noun(s) thinness; leanness; emaciation.
- Bengali Word শীর্ষ English definition (noun) (1) head; skull. (2) tip; top; apex; summit; pinnacle. (3) fore-part; front. (4) (mathematics) vertex. (5) the highest/ first/ most distinguished place. শীর্ষক (adjective) having a particular title; styled; entitled; headed. শীর্ষকোণ (noun) (geometry) vertical angle. শীর্ষবেচ্ছদ(ন) (noun) decapitation. শীর্ষস্থ (adjective) being/ situated on the head/ top. শীর্ষস্থান (noun) = শীর্ষ. শীর্ষস্থান অধিকার করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) stand first; top the list. শীর্ষস্থানীয় (adjective) highest; foremost; topmost; first; chief; most distinguished; top-ranking. শীর্ষস্থানীয় ব্যক্তিরা (noun) (plural) top people.
- Bengali Word শীল ১ English definition (noun) (1) nature; disposition; character; tendency; natural disposition. (2) habit; custom; usage; natural or acquired way of living/ acting; practice; conduct; behabiour. (3) good disposition/ character; moral conduct; piety; integrity; virtue; morality. (4) a particular Hindu family name. (adjective) (used as a suft) habituated/ accustomed/ disposed/ addicted to; practising; natured: গুণশীল, পুণ্যশীল, দানশীল. শীলা (feminine) = শীল. শীলতা (noun) disposition; inclination; customary practice; morality; virtuousness. শীলধর্ম (noun) morality. শীলপত্র (noun) character certificate. শীল পরিচয় (noun) character-roll. শীলবাণু (adjective) possessed of a good disposition/ character; well-conducted; moral. শীলবতী (adjective). শীলব্রত (adjective) possessed of virtue/ good conduct; (noun) (Buddhist) ceremonial practices.
- Bengali Word শীল ২ English definition [English] (noun) (zoology) seal.
- Bengali Word শীলম English definition (noun) repeated practice; constant study.
- Bengali Word শীলিত English definition (adjective) practised; exercised; refined.