শ পৃষ্ঠা ২৪
- Bengali Word শীশা English definition শিশা. শীশাগর (noun) glass maker. শীশাগরি (noun) glass making.
- Bengali Word শীষ English definition = শিষ
- Bengali Word শীৎকার, শীৎকৃতি English definition noun(s) a sound made by drawing in the breath (to express any sudden thrill of pleasure or pain and especially pleasurable sensations during sexual enjoyment).
- Bengali Word শু English definition [English] (noun) shoe.
- Bengali Word শুঁকা English definition (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) smell. (adjective) smelled. শুঁকানো (verb transitive) cause to smell.
- Bengali Word শুঁটকা, শুটকো English definition (colloquial) (adjective) dry; dried; shrivelled; thin; lean; withered.
- Bengali Word শুঁটকি, শুঁটকী English definition adjective(s) (1) dried: শুঁটকি মাছ (2) emaciated and shrivelled. (noun) dried fish.
- Bengali Word শুঁটি English definition noun(s) pod; legume.
- Bengali Word শুঁঠ English definition (noun) dried ginger.
- Bengali Word শুঁড় English definition (noun) (1) proboscis. (2) trunk (of the elephant, boar, etc). (3) shout (of the tortoise). (4) antenna/ feeler (of an insect). (5) (facetious) mouth including the neck (of human beings). শুঁড় বাড়ানো (noun) stretch out ones proboscis/ trunk/ snout/ antenna; crane one’s neck.
- Bengali Word শুঁড়ি ১ English definition (adjective) very narrow: শুঁড়ি পথ
- Bengali Word শুঁড়ি ২ English definition noun(s) distiller and vendor of spirituous liquors (considered as a mixed caste); wine-seller; taverner. শুঁড়ি খানা, শুঁড়ি র দোকান noun(s) tavern; liquor-shop; wine-shop; public house. শুঁড়ির সাক্ষী মাড়াল one offender bears out another.
- Bengali Word শুঁয়া, শুঁয়ো English definition (colloquial) (noun) (1) own. (2) antenna; feeler. শুঁয়ো পোকা (noun) caterpillar; chrysalis.
- Bengali Word শুক English definition (noun) (1) parrot. (2) name of a son of Vyasa. শুক নাস (adjective) having a nose like a parrot’s beak.
- Bengali Word শুকতারা English definition (noun) the planet Venus.
- Bengali Word শুকনা, শুকনো English definition (colloquial) (adjective) = শুষ্ক. শুকনো কথায় চিঁড়ে ভেজে না (figurative) mere words cannot accomplish a thing; mere words cannot butter bread. শুকনো বরফ (noun) dry ice.
- Bengali Word শুকর English definition = শোকর
- Bengali Word শুকা English definition (colloquial) = শুখা
- Bengali Word শুকানো English definition (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (1) dry (up) (out): খালবিল শুকিয়ে গেছে, চুল/ কাপড় শুকানো. (2) emaciate; be emaciated: রোগে শুকানো. (3) wither; be withered: ফুল শুকানো. (4) heal; be healed: ঘা শুকানো.
- Bengali Word শুক্কুর English definition (noun) (colloquial) = শুক্র