শ পৃষ্ঠা ২৫
- Bengali Word শুক্ত English definition (noun) sour liquor or gruel.
- Bengali Word শুক্তা, শুক্তো English definition noun(s) dish of bitter vegetables; bitter curry.
- Bengali Word শুক্তি, শুক্তিকা English definition (noun) (1) oyster; pearl-oyster; oyster; oyster shell. (2) conch-shell. (3) portion of a skull. শুক্তিজ, শুক্তি বীজ noun(s) pearl.
- Bengali Word শুক্র English definition (noun) (1) the planet Venus or its regent. (2) semen; virile; seed of animals; sperm. (3) name of the preceptors of the Daityas. শুক্রকর (adjective) producing semen. শুক্রজ, শুক্রভূ adjective(s) produced from (one’s own) semen. (noun) one’s own son. শুক্র তারল্য (noun) spermatorrhoea; involuntary seminal discharge. শুক্র বার, শুক্র বাসর (noun) Friday. শুক্রাচার্য (noun) sage Shukra = শুক্র (3). শুক্রানু (noun) spermatozoid. শুক্রাশয় (noun) testes.
- Bengali Word শুক্ল English definition (adjective) (1) white; whitish. (2) pure; spotless; clean; unsullied. (3) grey; hoary. (4) light; clear; fair. (noun) (1) white (the colour). (2) bright half of a lunar month. (3) butter. শুক্লা (feminine) the goddess Saraswati. শুক্লকর্মা (adjective) pure in action/ conduct. শুক্লকেশ (adjective) white-haired. শুক্লতা, শুক্লত্ব noun(s) whiteness. শুক্লাতিথি (noun) any day of the শুক্লপক্ষ. শুক্লপক্ষ (noun) the fortnight during which the moon is increasingly visible till it attains fullness: শুক্লপক্ষীয় (adjective) relating to the light half of the month. শুক্লমণ্ডল (noun) white circle/ globe; region of cornea. শুক্লাম্বর (noun), (adjective) (having a) white garment; clad in white শুক্লাম্বরা (feminine) = শুক্লাম্বর.
- Bengali Word শুক্লিমা English definition (noun) whiteness; white colour.
- Bengali Word শুখতা, শুখতি English definition noun(s) weight lost in dryness.
- Bengali Word শুখা English definition (adjective) (1) dry; sapless. (2) rude; harsh; rough: শুখা কথা. (3) exclusive of bed and board: শুখা মাইনের কাজ. (noun) (1) drought: হাজা শুখা. (2) rickets. (3) tobacco mixed lime used as quid; roasted tobacco used in bidis (বিড়ি).
- Bengali Word শুঙ্খ, শুঙ্খা English definition noun(s) = শুঁয়া
- Bengali Word শুচি English definition (adjective) (1) pure; clean; clear. (2) holy; immaculate; unsullied; undefiled; innocent; honest; virtuous. (3) white; brilliantly white. (4) bight; gleaming; radiant. (noun) (1) fire. (2) the sun. (3) purity; virtue; purification; honesty. শুচিতা, শুচিত্ব noun(s) purity; clearness; uprightness; honesty; virtue; cleanliness; sanctity; holiness; immaculateness; whiteness. শুচিদ্রুম (noun) holy tree; sacred fig-tree. শুচিবাই, শুচিবায়ু noun(s) hysterical mania for cleanliness and sanctity. শুচিবায়ুগ্রস্ত (adjective) suffering from a hysterical mania for cleanliness. শুচিব্রত (adjective) virtuous in conduct; (of gods) whose observances are pure/ holy. শুচিশুভ্র (adjective) bright with sanctity/ virtuousness. শুচিস্মিত (adjective) smiling brightly; having a pure smile; accompanied by a bright/ pure smile শুচিস্মিতা (feminine) = শুচিস্মিত.
- Bengali Word শুজনি, শুজনী English definition noun(s) diapered bedcover.
- Bengali Word শুণ্ঠি, শুণ্ঠী English definition noun(s) dried ginger.
- Bengali Word শুণ্ড English definition = শুড়ঁ. শুণ্ড ধর (noun) elephant.
- Bengali Word শুণ্ডিকা English definition (noun) uvula; epiglottis.
- Bengali Word শুণ্ডী English definition (noun) (1) distiller; seller of spirituous liquors. (2) elephant.
- Bengali Word শুদ্ধ English definition (adjective) (1) faultless; free from error; flawless; immaculate; correct; blameless; accurate; right; exact; according to rule. (2) pure; true; clean; purified; holy; sanctified; rectified; consecrated; sacred. (3) genuine; simple; mere; holy; unmodified. (4) complete; entire: দেশশুদ্ধ লোক. (5) unqualified; unmitigated. (6) veritable; unequalled. (7) bright; white. clear. (adverb) only; merely. শুদ্ধা (feminine) = শুদ্ধ. শুদ্ধ করা (verb transitive) purify; clean; correct; amend; rectify; sanctify; consecrate; cleanse; clear; remove impurity or anything noxious. শুদ্ধচিত্ত (adjective) pure-minded; pure at heart; pure-hearted; virtuous/ chaste in mind. শুদ্ধচিত্ততা (noun) pure-mindedness; purity of mind. শুদ্ধচৈতন্য (noun) pure intelligence. শুদ্ধতা (noun) purity; correctness; faultlessness; flawlessness; chastity; genuineness; holiness; sacredness. শুদ্ধধী, শুদ্ধবুদ্ধি adjective(s) = শুদ্ধচিত্ত. শুদ্ধবর্ণালি (noun) (physics) pure spectrum. শুদ্ধভাব (noun) purity of mind. শুদ্ধমতি = শুদ্ধচিত্ত. শুদ্ধবেশ (adjective) dressed in clean garments. শুদ্ধলেখ (noun) fair copy. শুদ্ধসংখ্যা (noun) abstract number. শুদ্ধসত্ত্ব (adjective) having a pure character; innocent; guileless; pure-souled. শুদ্ধাচার (adjective) practising virtue/ cleanliness; pure in practices and observances; virtuous; righteous; (noun) practice of virtue; virtuousness; cleanliness; rectitude; correct/ faultless conduct. শুদ্ধাচারিতা (noun) = শুদ্ধাচার. শুদ্ধাচারী (adjective) = শুদ্ধাচার. শুদ্ধাচারিণী (feminine) = শুদ্ধাচারী. শুদ্ধাত্মা (adjective) pure-minded. শুদ্ধানন্দ (noun) pure joy. শুদ্ধান্ত (noun) private/ women’s apartments; harem. শুদ্ধান্তবাসিনী (noun) (feminine) keeping constantly to the women’s apartments/ harem. শুদ্ধাভা (noun) pure light. শুদ্ধাশুদ্ধ (noun) (plural) right and wrong; sacred and profane; correct and incorrect; pure and impure.
- Bengali Word শুদ্ধি English definition (noun) (1) cleansing; purification; rectification; purgation. (2) purity; correctness; correction; making true; amendment; accuracy; genuineness; truth. (3) clearness; certainty. (4) holiness; freedom from defilement; sanctification; innocence. (5) purificatory rite. শুদ্ধিকর (adjective) causing purity; purifying; correcting. শুদ্ধিতি (noun) list of errors; errata; corrigenda.
- Bengali Word শুধরানো English definition (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) rectify; correct; mend one’s ways; remedy; set right/ straight; be rectified/ corrected/ set right/ mended.
- Bengali Word শুধা ১ English definition (adjective) (dialect) = শুধু
- Bengali Word শুধা ২ English definition (verb transitive) pay back; repay; settle; discharge.