শ পৃষ্ঠা ২৭
- Bengali Word শুয়া ২, শুয়ো English definition = শুঁয়াপোকা ( শুঁয়া)
- Bengali Word শুয়া ৩ English definition (verb intransitive) (1) lie down; go to bed; recline; rest; repose; sleep. শুয়ে পড়া (verb intransitive) lie down; go to bed. (2) prostrate; succumb. শুয়ানো (verb transitive) (1) lay down; put; settle; set. (2) force to lie prostate; knock down to the ground. শুয়ার, শুয়োর (colloquial) = শূকর. শুয়ারের খোঁয়াড় (noun) pigsty; piggery. শুয়ারের গোঁ (noun) pigheadedness. শুয়ারের পাল (noun) flock of swine.
- Bengali Word শূক English definition (noun) (1) awn of grain. (2) bristle; spicule; spike; bristle/ sharp hair of insects. (3) larva. শূককীট (noun) caterpillar; chrysalis. শূকঘ্ন (adjective) larvicide. শূকধান্য (noun) any awned/ bearded grain. শূকপদ (noun) (zoology) chaetopod. শূকশিম্বী (noun) cowhedge plant.
- Bengali Word শূকর English definition (noun) hog; boar; swine; pig. শূকরী (feminine) swine. শূকরছানা শূকর শাবক noun(s) young pig; porket. শূকর পালক (noun) swineherd. pig-driver. শূকরের মাংস (noun) pork. বন্য শূকর (noun) wild boar.
- Bengali Word শূদ্র English definition (noun) fourth or lowest of the four Hindu castes; Shudras; Shudra. শূদ্রা (feminine) female Shudra. শূদ্রাণী (feminine) female Shudra; wife of a Shudra. শূদ্রী (feminine) wife of a Shudra.
- Bengali Word শূন English definition (adjective) (archaic, poetic) = শূন্য
- Bengali Word শূন্য English definition (noun) (1) (mathematics) zero; cipher; nothing; naught. (2) space; heaven; atmosphere. (3) void; vacuum; empty/ lonely/ deserted place; desert. (4) vacuity; nonentity; absolute non-existence (especially with Buddhists). (adjective) (1) empty; void. (2) hollow; barren; desolate; deserted. (3) vacant (as a look or state); absent; absent-minded; having no certain object/ aim; distracted. (4) possessing nothing; empty; wholly destitute. (5) wholly alone/ solitary; having no friends/ companions. (6) (used as a suffix) void of; free from; destitute of; wanting; lacking;-less;-un. (7) non-existent; absent; missing. (8) indifferent; insensible. শূন্যা (feminine) = শূন্য. শূন্য কুম্ভ (noun) (1) empty pitcher. (2) (derogatory) man of no worth/ substance; man of straw. শূন্য ক্রান্তি-রেখা (noun) (astronomy) actinic line. শূন্যগর্ভ (adjective) empty; hollow; vain; unsubstantial; insincere: শূন্য গর্ভ কথা. শূন্যচিত্ত (adjective) vacant-minded; absent-minded; thinking of nothing. শূন্যতা (noun) emptiness; loneliness; desolateness; vacancy (of gaze); distraction; absence/ want (of); nothingness; non-existence; non-reality; illusory nature; indifference. শূন্যদৃষ্টি (noun) vacant/ blank look. শূন্যপথ (noun) sky; air; aerial route. শূন্যপানে (adverb) towards the sky. শূন্যবাদ (noun) (Buddhist) doctrine of the non-existence (of any spirit either Supreme or human); nihilism. শূন্যবাদী (adjective) Buddhistic; Buddhist; atheistical; nihilistic; (noun) affirmer of a void (ie, of the non-existence of any Spirit, divine or human); Buddhist; atheist; nihilist. শূন্যভাগী (noun) noncontributory partner. শূন্যভাব (noun) state of being empty; emptiness. শূন্যমন = শূন্যচিত্ত. শূন্যমনে (adverb) in a vacant mood. শূন্যমার্গ = শূন্যপথ. শূন্যযাত্রা (noun) flight. শূন্যস্থান (noun) empty/ vacant place or space; gap; blank. শূন্যহস্ত (adjective) empty-handed; broke; financially hard-up; not carrying any weapon. শূন্যহস্তে (adjective) empty-handedly; without (having any money; without carrying any weapon. শূন্যহৃদয় = শূন্যচিত্ত.
- Bengali Word শূন্যীকরণ English definition (noun) making empty; laying waste; evacuation.
- Bengali Word শূন্যীকৃত English definition (adjective) emptied; laid waste; turned into a desert; evacuated.
- Bengali Word শূপকার English definition (noun) cook.
- Bengali Word শূর English definition (adjective) strong; powerful; valiant; brave; heroic. (noun) strong/ mighty] valiant man; warrior; champion; hero. শূরতা, শূরত্ব noun(s) heroism; bravery; velour. শূরম্মন্য (noun) bully.
- Bengali Word শূরোচিত English definition (adjective) befitting a hero; heroic; gallant.
- Bengali Word শূর্ণী English definition (noun) small winnowing fan.
- Bengali Word শূর্প English definition (noun) winnowing basket/ fan; kind of wicker receptacle which, when shaken about, serves as a fan for winnowing com. শূর্প কর্ণ (adjective) having ears like winnowing fans. (noun) (1) elephant. (2) Ganesha. শূর্পণখা (adjective) having fingernails like winnowing fans. (noun) name of the sister of Havana.
- Bengali Word শূল English definition (noun) (1) sharp iron pin/ stake; spike; spit (on which meat is roasted). (2) pointed dart; lance; pike; spear; trident of Shiva. (3) stake for impaling criminals. (4) sharp/ acute pain (especially that of colic or gout); inflammation. (5) flag; banner. (6) death. শূলে চড়ানো/ দেওয়া (verb transitive) impale (as a criminal). শূলঘ্ন (adjective) removing sharp pain/ colic; anodyne. শূলধর, শূলধারী adjective(s) bearing a spear (applied to Rudra-Shiva). শূল নামক, শূল নামন adjective(s) removing pain in the stomach. শূল পক্ব (adjective) skewered/ spitted and roasted. শূল পাণি (adjective) holding a spear/ trident in one’s hand; (noun) Shiva. শূল বিদ্ধ (adjective) pierced with a spear/ trident; skewered; spitted. শূল বেদনা, শূল ব্যথা (noun) sharp pain; colic pain. শূল হস্ত = শূল পাণি. শূলাকৃতি (adjective) like a pike trident/ spear. শূলাগ্র (noun) point of a pike/ stake/ trident; pike head. শূলনি (noun) pain; ache; inflammation; itching. শূলনো (verb intransitive) become painful; ache; inflame; have an itching (for).
- Bengali Word শূলী English definition = শূলপাণি ( শূল). শূলিনী (adjective) (feminine) = শূলী
- Bengali Word শূল্য English definition (adjective) roasted on a spit. (noun) roasted meat.
- Bengali Word শূয়ার English definition (noun) = শূকর
- Bengali Word শৃগাল English definition = শিয়াল. শৃগালিকা, শৃগালী (feminine) = শৃগাল. শৃগাল কণ্টক = শিয়াল-কাঁটা. শৃগাল কোলি (noun) sort of jujube; Zizyphus oenoplia.
- Bengali Word শৃঙ্খল English definition (noun) (1) chain; fetters; irons. (2) system; rule; order; arrangement. (3) discipline. restrain. শৃঙ্খল নিয়ম (noun) (mathematics) chain-rule. শৃঙ্খলা (noun) (1) discipline. (2) method; system. (3) arrangement; orderliness; disposition. (4) due order/ succession; sequence. (5) concatenation. শৃঙ্খলাবদ্ধ (adjective) (1) disciplined; orderly; systematic; methodical. (2) chained; lettered. শৃঙ্খলাহীন (adjective) disorderly; undisciplined; confused; unsystematic; haphazard; chaotic; unmethodical; disorganized; muddled.