আ পৃষ্ঠা ২১
- Bengali Word আফযল, আফজল English definition [Arabic] (adjective) comparatively good; better.
- Bengali Word আফলাক English definition [Arabic] (noun) the sky; the celestial sphere; the wide expanse of the heavens; the atmosphere.
- Bengali Word আফলাতুন English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) Greek philosopher Plato. (2) intelligent; wise.
- Bengali Word আফশাঁ, আফশা English definition (noun) [Persian] kind of sparkling powder of silvery or golden colour used by woman in decorating face and hair.
- Bengali Word আফসর English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) officer; commander. (2) crown; coronet; diadem.
- Bengali Word আফসানো, আপসানো English definition [Pesian] (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (1) make a boast; brag; bluster; boast; vaunt. (2) express disappointment/annoyance on account of failure; regret; lament. আফসানি (noun) (1) boasting; vaunting. (2) remorse; regret.
- Bengali Word আফসোস, আপসোস English definition [Persian] (noun) remorse; regret; repentance; penitence. আপসোস করা (verb transitive) repent; regret; feet compunction.
- Bengali Word আফিং English definition = আফিম
- Bengali Word আফিঙ্গ English definition = আফিম
- Bengali Word আফিম English definition [Persian আফ্য়ূন (compare) opuim (latin); opion (Greek)]. (noun) drug obtained from poppy seeds and used as sedative/narcotic/intoxicant/stimulant; opium. আফিমখোর (adjective) addicted to opium. (noun) opium-taker.
- Bengali Word আফিস English definition = অফিস
- Bengali Word আফুটন্ত, আফোটা English definition (adjective) (1) not in bloom. (2) not full-blown.
- Bengali Word আফুটা English definition (adjective) not thoroughly boiled; parboiled: আফুটা ভাত.
- Bengali Word আফেন্দি English definition [Turkish] (noun) honourable/respectful surname; master; lord.
- Bengali Word আফোটা English definition = আফুটন্ত
- Bengali Word আফ্রিকান English definition [English] (adjective) of Africa. (noun) an African.
- Bengali Word আফ্রিদি, আফ্রিদী English definition (noun) tribal people inhabiting the north-west frontier of Pakistan.
- Bengali Word আব ১ English definition [Persian] (noun) water.
- Bengali Word আব ২ English definition (noun) abnormal cell-growth in any part of the body; tumour.
- Bengali Word আব ৩, আভ English definition (noun) (1) cloud. (2) mica, a mineral silicate.