আ পৃষ্ঠা ২৩
- Bengali Word আবর্জনা English definition (noun) (1) sweepings; rubbish; waste/refuse matter. (2) undesirable/mean person.
- Bengali Word আবর্ত English definition (noun) (1) whirling motion/shape; any ring-like object (দক্ষিণাবর্ত). (2) (of water) circular or spiral movement; whirlpool; vortex; eddy. (3) act of whirling/revolving/rotating. (4) name for whirling cloud: আবর্ত মেঘ. (adjective) that which is revolving/reeling/rolling: আবর্তগতি. আবর্তিত (adjective). আবর্তবাত্যা (noun) cyclone; whirlwind.
- Bengali Word আবর্ত দণ্ড English definition (noun) churning rod; pestle for churning. আবর্তন
- Bengali Word আবর্তন English definition (noun) (1) act of whirling/ revolving/rolling. (2) return; repetition; reappearance; rotation. (3) act of stirring/churning; gyration. আবর্তনী, আবর্ত দণ্ড (noun) churning rod; pestle for churning. আবর্তমান (adjective) that which is whirling/revolving/ rotating/ gyrating. আবর্তিত (adjective) repeated; revolved; rotated; gyrated. আবর্তিত হওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) whirl; revolve; rotate; be repeated.
- Bengali Word আবলতাবল English definition আবোলতাবোল
- Bengali Word আবলী, আবলি English definition (noun) (1) row; line; range (বৃক্ষ + আবলী = বৃক্ষাবলী). (2) series; group; collection (নিয়মাবলী, রচনাবলী).
- Bengali Word আবলুশ, আবলুশ English definition [P] (noun) hard dark-coloured wood; ebony: আবলুশ কাঠ আবলুশ-কালো (adjective) deep black; as black as ebony.
- Bengali Word আবশ্যক English definition (noun) need; necessity. (adjective) (1) necessary; important. (2) essential; unavoidable. আবশ্যক ব্যবস্থা necessary action. আবশ্যক হলে if required; if need be. আবশ্যকতা (noun) need; necessity. আবশ্যকীয় (adjective) necessary; essential.
- Bengali Word আবশ্যিক English definition (adjective) what must be done; compulsory: আবশ্যিক পাঠ্য.
- Bengali Word আবহ English definition (adjective) (1) carrying; bearing (শোকাবহ). (2) producing; begetting (ভয়াবহ). (noun) (1) the gaseous envelope of the earth; atmosphere; weather. (2) surroundings; circumstances; environment. আবহচিত্র (noun) weather-chart. আবহ বিজ্ঞান/বিদ্যা (noun) meteorology. আবহবিদ, আবহবিৎ (noun) meteorologist. আবহ মণ্ডল (noun) the atmosphere. আবহ-সংবাদ (noun) meteorological/weather report. আবহ-সঙ্গীত (noun) background music. আবহ-সূচনা (noun) weather forecast.
- Bengali Word আবহমান English definition (adjective) passing/flowing on; ever-continuing; ever-existent; traditional. আবহমানকাল (ধরে) (adverb) ever since the beginning; from time immemorial.
- Bengali Word আবহাওয়া English definition [Persian] (noun) climate; weather conditions of a region.
- Bengali Word আবা English definition [Arabic] (noun) kind of open-breast long shirt.
- Bengali Word আবাগা English definition = আবাগে
- Bengali Word আবাগী English definition (adjective), (noun), (feminine) আভাগী. অভাগিনী) ill-fated; unfortunate; wretched.
- Bengali Word আবাগে,আবাগা English definition (adjective), (noun) unlucky; unfortunate.
- Bengali Word আবাদ English definition [Persian] (noun) (1) cultivation, tillage: ধানের আবাদ. (2) cultivated land; land developed for cultivation. (3) human habitation; process of settling people in a new place; a settlement. আবাদ করা (verb transitive) (1) cultivate; till. (2) prepare land for the raising of crops/settlement of human habitation. আবাদি (adjective) (1) fit for cultivation; arable. (2) cultivated; tilled.
- Bengali Word আবাবিল, আবাবীল English definition [Arabic] (noun) species of small birds spoken of in the Qoran as having destroyed the invading army of Abraha. The Holy Book used the word only in the sense of “swarms of birds". It has no singular form.
- Bengali Word আবার English definition (adverb) (1) again; once more. (2) moreover; further; besides: জ্বর আবার আমাশয়. (interjection) expressing uncertainty/distrust/negation: ব্যাঙের আবার সর্দি, সে আবার কি করবে?
- Bengali Word আবাল English definition [Arabic] (adjective) (1) underage; destitute of judgement; helpless. (2) adolescent; teenaged. (noun) foolish/ignorant person. (adverb) down to (including) the boys. আবালবৃদ্ধ (noun) the young and the old. আবালবৃদ্ধবণিতা (noun) men, women and children; (figurative) one and all.