আ পৃষ্ঠা ৩১
- Bengali Word আরাম ২ English definition [Persian] (noun) (1) ease; comfort. (2) rest; relaxation. (adjective) cured of /relieved of/recovered from illness. আরাম-কেদারা (Persian + Portuguese), আরাম-কুর্সি [Persian + Arabic] (noun) chair with side support for the arms; arm-chair; easy-chair. আরামপ্রিয় (adjective) ease-loving; fond of ease and comfort.
- Bengali Word আরারুট, এরারুট English definition [English] (noun) starchy food obtained from the roots of a species of plants; arrowroot.
- Bengali Word আরূঢ় English definition (adjective) mounted; seated on (অশ্বারূঢ়).
- Bengali Word আরে English definition (interjection) (1) expressing fear, shame, anger, astonishment, etc: আরে একি! (2) (used in addressing) ho! halloo! oh! eh!
- Bengali Word আরেফিন English definition [Arabic] (noun) (plural) (singular আরিফ) spiritualists.
- Bengali Word আরো English definition (conjunction) (1) and: তুমি আর আমি.
- Bengali Word আরোগ্য English definition (noun) (1) cure; recovery from illness. (2) sound health; health. আরোগ্য করা (verb transitive) cure; heal; bring round: আরোগ্য লাভ করা (verb transitive) recover; come round; be cured; be restored to health.
- Bengali Word আরোপ, আরোপণ English definition (noun) (1) act of ascribing/ attributing (something). (2) (philosophy) the seeing of (something) as different from the reality; attribution of the quality of one thing to another. (3) act of placing/putting upon; imposition; emplacement. আরোপ করা (verb transitive) ascribe; attribute; impose; implant; bestow. ধনুকে জ্যা আরোপ করা. string the bow. আরোপিত (adjective) attributed; imputed; imposed; placed; planted.
- Bengali Word আরোপ-পত্র English definition (noun) record of offence; charge-sheet.
- Bengali Word আরোহ English definition (noun) (1) (philosophy) method of reasoning from particular instances to general principles; induction (opposite অবরোহ). (2) ascent (দুরারোহ). (3) height; altitude. (4) buttock (especially of a woman) (বরারোহ). (5) grade; ladder. আরোহণ (noun)1 ascent; ascension (স্বর্গারোহণ). (2) mounting; climbing; riding (অশ্বারোহণ). আরোহণ করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) get up; ascend; mount; climb; ride; board (aship, etc). আরোহণী (noun) stair; stair-case; ladder; lift; escalator. আরোহিত (adjective) mounted upon. আরোহী (adjective) (1) ascended; mounted; boarded. (2) (of musical notes) gradually increasing in pitch. আরোহসুর. (3) (philosophy) using induction; inductive. q(noun) (1) climber; rider; passengers (of train, ship, etc). (2) musical notes which gradually increase in pitch. (3) (philosophy) inductive method. আরোহিণী (feminine) = আরোহ.
- Bengali Word আর্ক English definition (adjective) pertaining to the sun; solar. আর্ক ফলা (noun) (1) the symbol of letter র (©) on the head of a consonant indicating a preceding '-r' sound. (2) sun-ray. (3) tuft of hair maintained by conservative Brahmins on the top of the head.
- Bengali Word আর্কিড, অর্কিড English definition [English] (noun) varieties of wild plant having flowers of vivid colours and curious shapes; parasitic plant; orchid.
- Bengali Word আর্জি English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) formal request for (something); application; petition.
- Bengali Word আর্ট English definition [English art] (noun) (1) creation or expression of beauty in the form of literature, painting, sculpture, music, dramatic performance, etc. (2) fine skill or aptitude applied to the work of creative imagination. (3) work of visual arts that appeals to the sense of aesthetic beauty: হস্তলিপি সে যুগে একটা আর্ট হয়ে উঠেছিল.
- Bengali Word আর্ত English definition (adjective) (1) afflicted/distressed/stricken with bodily or mental trouble; aggrieved; oppressed; sick; ill. আর্তি (noun). আর্তত্রাণ (noun) relief of the distressed; saving/succouring the afflicted. আর্তনাদ (noun) scream; groaning; sharp cries of fear or pain; outcry. আর্ত সেবা (noun) relief work. আর্তস্বর (noun) piteous cry; outcry of affliction. আর্তস্বরে (adverb) in a piteous tone/voice; piteously.
- Bengali Word আর্তত্রাণ English definition (adjective) (1) afflicted/distressed/stricken with bodily or mental trouble; aggrieved;
- Bengali Word আর্তনাদ English definition (noun) scream; groaning; sharp cries of fear or pain; outcry. আর্ত সেবা (noun) relief work. আর্তস্বর (noun) piteous cry; outcry of affliction. আর্তস্বরে (adverb) in a piteous tone/voice; piteously.
- Bengali Word আর্তব English definition (noun) menstrual discharge; menstruation. (adjective) (1) menstrual: আর্তবব্যাধি. (2) seasonal.
- Bengali Word আর্তসেবা English definition (noun) relief work. আর্তস্বর (noun) piteous cry; outcry of affliction. আর্তস্বরে (adverb) in a piteous tone/voice; piteously.
- Bengali Word আর্তস্বর English definition (adverb) in a piteous tone/voice; piteously.