আ পৃষ্ঠা ৩২
- Bengali Word আর্তি English definition (noun) (1) mental agitation/urge. (2) illness; ailment; disease. (3) pain; trouble; misery.
- Bengali Word আর্থ English definition (adjective) (1) financial; pecuniary; monetary.
- Bengali Word আর্থনীতিক English definition (adjective) pertaining to financial policy/economics; economic.
- Bengali Word আর্থিক, আর্থ English definition (adjective) (1) financial; pecuniary; monetary. (2) pertaining to private property/ financial position: আর্থিক অবস্থা.
- Bengali Word আর্দালি, আর্দালী English definition (noun) servant in attendance on an officer (or master) to carry his orders
- Bengali Word আর্দ্র English definition (adjective) (1) wet; moist; damp; humid. (2) soft; tender; touched/moved by compassion: দয়ার্দ্র চিত্ত. আর্দ্র কণ্ঠে, আর্দ্রস্বরে (adverb) in a choked voice. আর্দ্রতা (noun) humidity.
- Bengali Word আর্দ্রা English definition (noun) (astronomy) the star Orionis.
- Bengali Word আর্মানি English definition = আরমানি
- Bengali Word আর্মেচার English definition (noun) [English] coil(s) of an electric motor; armature.
- Bengali Word আর্য English definition (noun) the Aryan race; an Aryan. (adjective) (1) venerable; respectable. (2) civilized. আর্যতা (noun) (1) Aryanism; the quality of being an Aryan. (2) civilized conduct. আর্যপুত্র (noun) husband (a form of address by ancient Hindu Women). আর্যসমাজ (noun) a sect of modern Hindus founded by Dayananda Saraswati.
- Bengali Word আর্যা ১ English definition (feminine) Of আর্য
- Bengali Word আর্যা ২ English definition (noun) (1) kind of metre used in Sanskrit verse. (2) any of the rhymed arithmetical formulae.
- Bengali Word আর্যাবর্ত English definition (noun) the indo-Gangetic plain or upper India where the ancient Aryans settled (opposite দক্ষিণাপথ).
- Bengali Word আর্যামি English definition (noun) (facetious) Aryanism. ( অনার্য)
- Bengali Word আর্শি English definition (noun) mirror; looking glass.
- Bengali Word আল ১, আইল English definition (noun) demarcation line between agricultural plots; boundary. আইল বাঁধা (verb intransitive) set up a ridge of earth (to mark the limit of a plot of land.)
- Bengali Word আল ২ English definition 1 the sting of insects, etc: মৌমাছির আল. (2) the sharp point of anything; তীরের আল. (3) pointed tool for making holes in leather, wood, etc; an awl: জুতা সেলাই-এর আল. (4) (figurative) taunt; jeer: কথার আল. (5) a head or apex made on a piece of wood to fit it to another by means of dove-tailing. আলকাটা (verb intransitive) cut a notch/notches on wood/iron as a means of joining two pieces. (adjective) grooved; notched; serrated.
- Bengali Word আল-কোরান, আল-কুরআন English definition (noun) the Holy Qoran containing the Divine Revelation to Prophet Muhammad(sm).
- Bengali Word আলংকারিক English definition (adjective) pertaining to rhetoric; rhetorical; figurative.
- Bengali Word আলওয়ান English definition (noun) woollen wrapper; shawl.