উ পৃষ্ঠা ১৭
- Bengali Word উপহৃত English definition (adjective) given/offered as a present: প্রধানমন্ত্রী কর্তৃক উপহৃত, presented by the Prime Minister.
- Bengali Word উপহ্রদ English definition (noun) shallow lake connected with the sea; a lagoon.
- Bengali Word উপাখ্যান English definition (noun) an incidental narrative; account of an event in a chain of events; an episode. (2) story having no base in truth; a fable. (3) a narrative account; a description.
- Bengali Word উপাঙ্গ English definition (noun) [উপ+অঙ্গ] part of a limb.
- Bengali Word উপাচার্য English definition [উপ+আচার্য] the executive head of a university; vice-chancellor (the chancellor being only a figure-head).
- Bengali Word উপাত্ত English definition (noun) facts from which a conclusion may be drawn; data. (adjective) (1) accepted; admitted. (2) obtained; earned.
- Bengali Word উপাদান English definition (noun) (1) ingredient(s) of anything. (2) raw materials that make an industrial product.
- Bengali Word উপাদেয় English definition (adjective) (1) pleasant to eat; palatable; delicious. (2) pleasing; delightful; enjoyable. উপাদেয়তা (noun) pleasantness; tastefulness; deliciousness.
- Bengali Word উপাধান English definition (noun) cushion for supporting the head in bed; a pillow.
- Bengali Word উপাধি English definition (noun) title used with the name of a person as a sign of rank, honour, status, profession, education, etc; an appellation; an academic degree. উপাধিক, উপাধিধারী (adjective) holding a title; title-holder; degree-holder. উপাধি-পত্র (noun) an academic diploma/certificate; letter of investiture.
- Bengali Word উপাধ্যক্ষ English definition [উপ+অধ্যক্ষ] (noun) vice-principal of a college.
- Bengali Word উপান্ত English definition [উপ+অন্ত] (noun) border; extremity: আদ্যোপান্ত (আদি+উপান্ত), from the beginning to the end; outskirts (of a town). উপান্ত্য (adjective) lying on the border; next to the last; last but one; penultimate: উপান্ত্য বর্ণ, penultimate letter; উপান্ত্য টীকা, marginal note.
- Bengali Word উপার্জন English definition (noun) act of earning; earnings. উপার্জন করা (verb transitive) gain by labour; earn; acquire. উপার্জনক্ষম (adjective) capable of earning: পরিবারের একমাত্র উপার্জনক্ষম ব্যক্তি, only earning member of the family. উপার্জিত (adjective) earned; acquired; gained; obtained.
- Bengali Word উপাস/উপোস English definition = উপবাস
- Bengali Word উপাসনা English definition (noun) (1) act of praying; prayer; worship; adoration. (2) meditation of God. উপাসনা করা (verb intransitive) pray; worship; adore. উপাসক (noun), (adjective) one who prays to God; a devotee. উপাসিকা (feminine) = উপাসনা.
- Bengali Word উপাসী English definition = উপবাসী. = উপবাস
- Bengali Word উপাস্থি English definition [উপ+অস্থি] (noun) the elastic tissue from which bone is formed; cartilage.
- Bengali Word উপাস্য English definition (adjective) worthy of being worshipped; adorable. (noun) God.
- Bengali Word উপায় English definition (noun) (1) means of doing (something): এথেকে বেরিয়ে আসার কোনো উপায় নেই, There is no way out of it. (2) redemption in the hereafter; salvation: এ পাপীর কী উপায় হবে? What will happen to this sinner? (3) acquisition of wealth; earning; income: উপায় কতো? (4) remedy of a disease; redress of an evil. (5) support; means of livelihood: বিধবার উপায়. (6) a contrivance; an expedient: উপায় (উদ্ভাবন) করা, find a way out; devise some means for. উপায়হীন (adjective) without means; helpless.
- Bengali Word উপায়-উপকরণ English definition (noun) ways and means.