উ পৃষ্ঠা ১৯
- Bengali Word উম্মত English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) follower; disciple; devotee. (2) community; nation: নবীর উম্মত.
- Bengali Word উম্মি English definition [Arabic] (adjective) unlettered; illiterate.
- Bengali Word উরস, ওরস English definition [Arabic] (noun) death anniversary of saints; celebration of such anniversary.
- Bengali Word উর্ণনাভ English definition = ঊর্ণনাভ
- Bengali Word উর্দি English definition [Turkish] special dress or uniform worn by men-servants or orderlies in any office or organization.
- Bengali Word উর্দু English definition [Turkish] 1 Hindustani language written in Arabic characters and having an abundance of Arabic and Persian words evolved during the Mughal rule in India; Urdu. (2) state language of Pakistan.
- Bengali Word উর্বর, ঊর্বর English definition [Arabic] 1 (adjective) (of land) rich in productivity; fertile. (2) (of men) full of ideas: উর্বর মস্তিষ্ক. উর্বরা (feminine): জমির উর্বরাশক্তি, productivity of land.
- Bengali Word উর্বশী, ঊর্বশী English definition mythological nymph of eternal beauty and youth spoken of in the Purana.
- Bengali Word উলকি English definition (noun) a pattern, picture or writing put on the skin by tattooing; a tattoo. উলকি আঁকা (verb intransitive) make a permanent pattern or picture on the skin by pricking with a pin and then pouring coloured dyes in; tattoo: তার বাহুতে তার নামটি উলকি আঁকা ছিল, He had his name tattooed in his arm. উলকি-আঁকা (adjective) tattooed.
- Bengali Word উলঙ্গ English definition (adjective) not having clothes on; naked; nude. উলঙ্গিনী (feminine) = উলঙ্গ.
- Bengali Word উলট-পালট English definition (adverb) upside down; topsy-turvy. উলট-পালট করা (verb transitive) turn upside down; put into disorder; throw into confusion.
- Bengali Word উলু ১ English definition (noun) sound raised by Hindu women by the moving of tongue on festive occasions.
- Bengali Word উলু ২ English definition (noun) kind of grass growing in marshy land; reed. উলু খাগড়া (noun) (1) variety of reed. (2) (figurative) ordinary innocent people: রাজায় রাজায় যুদ্ধ হয় উলু খাগড়ার প্রাণ যায়, (prov) Kings with one another vie, and the innocent people die. উলু বনে মুক্তা ছড়ানো (prov) Cast pearls before swines.
- Bengali Word উলেমা English definition [Arabic] (noun) (plural) (singular আলীম) men of learning.
- Bengali Word উল্কা English definition (noun) transitory luminous body that shoots through the atmosphere; a shooting-star; a meteor. উল্কাপাত (noun) fall of a meteor. উল্কাপিণ্ড (noun) a meteorite. উল্কাবেগে (adverb) at a thunderous speed.
- Bengali Word উল্টা, উল্টো English definition (adjective) (1) overturned; upside down. (2) opposite; reverse; contrary. (adverb) on the contrary. উল্টা বোঝা (verb transitive) take (something) amiss; take ill of (something). উল্টা বুঝানো (verb transitive) twist the meaning of (something) to (somebody); misinterpret; misrepresent.
- Bengali Word উল্টা-পাল্টা English definition (adjective) topsy-turvy; reversed.
- Bengali Word উল্টানো English definition (verb transitive) turn upside down; overturn; capsize: নৌকাটি উল্টে গেল, The boat capsized. কথা উল্টানো disown one’s own word.
- Bengali Word উল্লঙ্ঘন English definition (noun) (1) act of passing over by leaping/jumping; crossing over. (2) infringement; transgression; violation. উল্লঙ্ঘন করা (verb transitive) leap over; violate; transgress; infringe. উল্লঙ্ঘিত (adjective) what has been jumped over/violated/transgressed.
- Bengali Word উল্লম্ফন English definition (noun) act of leaping or jumping.