চ পৃষ্ঠা ১৮
- Bengali Word চিঠা English definition [Hindi] (noun) (1) a book for keeping records of receipts and payments; an account book. (2) a small note in writing; a billet. (3) a list of articles. হাত চিঠা (noun) a slip of paper for keeping records of transaction.
- Bengali Word চিঠি English definition [Hindi] (noun) a written message or communication sent to a person by post or messenger; a letter. চিঠিপত্র (noun) (plural) letters and memoranda. চিঠি পাঠানো (verb intransitive) post or despatch a letter.
- Bengali Word চিত ১ English definition (adjective) (1) lying on the back/in a dorsal position; supine. (2) (figurative) killed or discomfited (as in a battlefield). চিতপাত, চিত পটাং (adjective) (1) fallen on the back. (2) (figurative) be fooled; be discomfitted. চিতিয়ে পড়া (verb intransitive) fall on the back. উৎপাতের কড়ি চিত পাতে যায় ill-got, ill-spent. চিত সাঁতার (noun) swimming stroke done on the back; back-stroke.
- Bengali Word চিত ২ English definition (adjective) (1) picked out; gathered; collected. 2 compiled.
- Bengali Word চিতই English definition (noun) a kind of pie made of unsweetened paste of rice: চিতই পিঠা.
- Bengali Word চিতল English definition (noun) a kind of tasteful and big size river fish.
- Bengali Word চিতা ১ English definition (noun) funeral pyre for the cremation of the dead according to Hindu rite. চিতা ভস্ম (noun) ashes collected after the cremation of the body on the funeral pyre. চিতা রোহণ 1 (of a deceased) ascending the funeral pyre. (2) act of ascending the funeral pyre o one’s husband (as a suttee). রাবণের চিতা (noun) the funeral pyre of Rabana of the Ramayana, believed to be burning eternally; (figurative) an endless pain of mind caused by loss, misfortune, etc.
- Bengali Word চিতা ২, চিতে English definition (noun) (1) a kind of herb: রাং চিতা. (2) musty spot on clothes caused by damp; mould; mildew; rnustiness. (3) black spot or discoloration on the skin, especially on the face; freckles.
- Bengali Word চিতা ৩ English definition (noun) a carnivorous animal with a spotted skin; the leopard; the cheetah.
- Bengali Word চিতান, চিতেন English definition (noun) that part of the Bengali folksong which is sung in the higher scale: কবিগানের চিতান.
- Bengali Word চিতানো English definition (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (1) lie flat on one’s back or cause to lie flat on the back. (2) spread out; expand: বুক চিতানো.
- Bengali Word চিতি English definition (noun) (1) black and round-shaped mark on the skin. 2 a kind of snake with stripes.
- Bengali Word চিত্ত English definition (noun) (1) the intellectual power in man; the mind. (2) the seat of affections, will, etc; the heart. চিত্তক্ষোভ (noun) mental depression; lowness of spirits; dejection. চিত্তগুরু (noun) internal knowledge or judgement of right and wrong; the moral sense; conscience; morality. চিত্তগ্রাহী (adjective) having the power to charm the mind; captivating; fascinating; attractive; charming. চিত্ত-চমৎকারী (adjective) (1) that fascinates the mind; charming; attractive. (2) causing surprise or wonder; amazing. চিত্ত চাঞ্চল্য (noun) mental agitation/perturbation. চিত্ত চালন (noun) exercise or exertion of the intellectual faculty. চিত্ত জয়, চিত্ত দমন (noun(s)) 1 control of the mind; self-restraint. (2) restraint of the desires and passions; continence; temperance. চিত্তদাহ (noun) extreme pain of the mind; heart-burning; malice. চিত্তদোষ (noun) perversion of the mind. চিত্তদ্রাবক (adjective) that melts the heart; moving; pathetic. চিত্তনিরোধ (noun) withdrawal of the mind from worldly objects; inward concentration of the mind. চিত্তপুত্তলি, চিত্তপুত্তলিকা (noun(s)) person very dear to one’s heart. চিত্তপ্রসাদ (noun) contentment of the mind; mental satisfaction. চিত্তবিকার (noun) a violent change of mind; a revulsion of feelings. চিত্তবিক্ষেপ (noun) (1) distraction of the mind. (2) unsettled state of the mind.3 want or absence of mental concentration. চিত্ত বিনোদন (noun) refreshment of the strength and spirits after toil; recreation; amusement. চিত্ত বিনোদন করা (verb intransitive) recreate. চিত্ত বিপ্লব (noun) (1) agitation of the mind. (2) mental derangement. চিত্তবিভ্রম (noun) mental derangement. চিত্তবৃত্তি (noun) faculties of the mind; feeling; inclination. চিত্তবৈকল্য (noun) perplexity of mind; mental bewilderment. চিত্তভ্রংশ (noun) failure of the intellectual faculty; alienation of the mind; aberration. চিত্তরঞ্জন (adjective) pleasing to the mind. (noun) amusement; recreation. চিত্তরঞ্জনী বৃত্তি (noun) the philosophy of taste; aesthetic faculty; aesthetics. চিত্তশুদ্ধি (noun) purity or purification of the mind. চিত্তসংযম (noun) control of the mind or heart; self-restraint. চিত্তস্থৈর্য (noun) mental calmness/composure; serenity of the mind. চিত্তহারী (adjective) that captivates the mind; captivating; fascinating চিত্ত হারিণী (feminine) = চিত্ত.
- Bengali Word চিত্তাকর্ষক English definition [চিত্ত + আকর্ষক] (adjective) (1) pleasing to the mind; attractive.2 exciting interest in; inspiring curiosity চিত্তাকর্ষণ (noun).
- Bengali Word চিত্তোন্নতি English definition [চিত্ত + উন্নতি] (noun) elevation of the mind; refinement or refined state of mental faculties.
- Bengali Word চিত্রা English definition (noun) (1) the fourteenth of the twenty seven stars of the Indian astronomy. (2) a Sanskrit poetical metre.
- Bengali Word চিত্রাঙ্কন English definition (noun) act of drawing/painting/sketching (a picture or figure).
- Bengali Word চিত্রাঙ্গদা English definition (noun) lady-love of Arjuna of the Mahabharata.
- Bengali Word চিত্রিত English definition (adjective) painted; drawn in picture. (2) described; portrayed; written. (3) decorated; variegated. (4) pointed with a distinctive mark. চিত্রিতবৎ (adverb) (dumb) like a picture.
- Bengali Word চিদানন্দ English definition (noun) (1) knowledge and delight; cognition and delight of bliss. (2) the Supreme Being.