চ পৃষ্ঠা ২০
- Bengali Word চিরতা English definition (noun) bitter-tasting medicinal herb; chirata.
- Bengali Word চিরন্তন English definition চির ২
- Bengali Word চিরা English definition চেরা
- Bengali Word চিরাগ English definition = চেরাগ
- Bengali Word চিরায়ত English definition (adjective) pervading all ages; all-pervading; eternal; universal. চিরায়ত সাহিত্য literary work of established excellence and value; classical literature; classics.
- Bengali Word চিরায়ু English definition (adjective) living or destined to live for ever; long-lived; undying; immortal (also চিরায়ুষ্মান) চিরায়ুষ্মতী (feminine) = চিরায়ু.
- Bengali Word চিরুনি, চিরনি English definition (noun) instrument for cleaning, adjusting and separating hair; a comb.
- Bengali Word চিল English definition (noun) a bird of prey of the hawk family with claws; the kite. চিলের ছোঁ (noun) (1) a swoop or pounce of a kite. (2) (figurative) a pouncing that never misses the target.
- Bengali Word চিলতা, চিলতে English definition (noun) a thin slice of something: এক চিলতা মাছ.
- Bengali Word চিলম্চি, চিলুমচি English definition [Turkish] (noun) a moveable wash-basin.
- Bengali Word চিলা English definition চিল্লা
- Bengali Word চিলা, চিল্লা English definition [Persian] (noun) absorption in religious exercises and meditation in seclusion for forty days at a stress as practised by sages and devout Muslims. চিলাখানা (noun) venue of such exercises.
- Bengali Word চিলাকোঠা English definition = চিলেকোঠা
- Bengali Word চিলিক English definition (noun) a flash of light; a gleam.
- Bengali Word চিলেকোঠা, চিলাকোঠা English definition (noun) a room on the uppermost floor of a house; a garret; an attic.
- Bengali Word চিল্লা English definition (noun) absorption in religious exercises and meditation in seclusion for forty days at a stress as practised by sages and devout Muslims. চিলাখানা (noun) venue of such exercises.
- Bengali Word চিল্লাচিল্লি English definition (noun) hue and cry; clamour; hullabaloo. চিল্লাচিল্লি করা (verb intransitive) raise an uproar; make a hullabaloo.
- Bengali Word চিল্লানি English definition (noun) an outcry; an uproar.
- Bengali Word চিহ্ন English definition (noun) (1) a visible sign or impression on something; a print; a mark : পদ চিহ্ন. (2) an indication or evidence: ভয়ের চিহ্ন. (3) a symptom or characteristic: অনুরাগের চিহ্ন. (4) a testimony; a token; a monument: স্মৃতি চিহ্ন. (5) a mark left by anything; a trace: কোথাও গাছ পালার চিহ্ন নেই.
- Bengali Word চিহ্নিত English definition (adjective) marked off; stamped; branded.