চ পৃষ্ঠা ১৯
- Bengali Word চিদাভাস English definition (noun) (1) the manifestation of spiritual consciousness or knowledge.2 the individual soul
- Bengali Word চিনা English definition চেনা
- Bengali Word চিনি English definition [C] (noun) sweet granular substance manufactured from sugar-cane, beet, etc; sugar. চিনি পাতা দই (noun) curd prepared and sweetened with sugar. চিনির বলদ one who toils for another’s profit without having the right to share it; a drudge.
- Bengali Word চিন্তক English definition (adjective) one who thinks; thinking.
- Bengali Word চিন্তন English definition (noun) (1) act of reasoning within the mind; thinking; consideration. (2) act of thinking deeply; reflection; cogitation. (3) the act of looking back on things past; retrospection.4 serious contemplation; meditation.
- Bengali Word চিন্তনীয় English definition চিন্তা
- Bengali Word চিন্তা English definition (noun) (1) the act or process of thinking; thought; consideration : চিন্তা করা. (2) act of dwelling on anything in thought; meditation; cogitation; reflection: ঈশ্বর চিন্তা. (3) worry; anxiety: চিন্তান্বিত, চিন্তাকুল. (4) fear; apprehension; concern; suspense: চিন্তা দূর হওয়া. (5) imagination; fancy; caprice; false notion: উদ্ভট চিন্তা. চিন্তা করা (verb transitive) have the mind occupied on some subject; think; judge; cogitate; meditate; consider. (verb intransitive) be anxious; worry. চিন্তনীয়, চিন্তা (adjective) fit to be thought of/meditated upon; deserving consideration. (কোনো) উপায় চিন্তা করা (verb transitive) devise some means. (কোনো) চিন্তা নেই never mind; don’t worry. চিন্তাকুল (adjective) deeply concerned; anxious; worried. চিন্তান্বিত (adjective) stricken with anxiety; thoughtful; distracted. চিন্তামগ্ন (adjective) engrossed in thought. চিন্তাশীল (adjective) (1) thinking; thoughtful; rneditatlve; pensive. (2) wise; erudite; sagacious.
- Bengali Word চিন্তিত English definition (adjective) (1) full of thought; thoughtful.2 worried; anxious.
- Bengali Word চিন্ময় English definition [চিৎ + ময়] (adjective) full of consciousness or knowledge. (noun) epithet of the Supreme Being.
- Bengali Word চিপা English definition (verb transitive) press with the hand; squeeze: ভেজা কাপড় চিপা. (adjective) (1) fitting too close; tight: চিপা প্যান্ট. (2) not wide; narrow: চিপা গলি.
- Bengali Word চিবানো English definition (verb transitive) chew and prepare for swallowing; masticate. (adjective) chewed; masticated. কড়মড় করে চিবানো crush noisily between the teeth; crunch.
- Bengali Word চিবুক English definition (noun) the lower extremity of the face; the chin. চিবুক স্পর্শ (noun) touching the chin (in caressing).
- Bengali Word চিমটা, চিমটে English definition [Hindi] (noun) a metal instrument for taking hold of burning coal, heated metals, etc; tongs; pincers.
- Bengali Word চিমটানো English definition (verb intransitive) (verb transitive) catch and compress sharply with the nails; nip; pinch.
- Bengali Word চিমটি English definition (noun) (1) an instance of pinching; a pinch. (2) very small quantity of anything: এক চিমটি লবণ. চিমটি কাটা (verb intransitive) (1) pinch: nip. (2) (figurative) make a sarcastic remark; taunt.
- Bengali Word চিমনি English definition [English] (noun) the funnel through which the smoke is conveyed; a chimney. (2) a glass funnel for a lamp, etc.
- Bengali Word চিমড়া, চিমড়ে English definition (adjective) (1) hard to tear; like a dried hide: চিমড়া লুচি. (2) (figurative) obstinate or disobedient: চিমড়া স্বভাব. (3) lean but strong: চিমড়া গড়ন.
- Bengali Word চির ১ English definition (noun) (1) a chink or fissure; a crack: দেওয়ালে চির ধরা. (2) long strips of anything: চির করে কাটা. (3) a portion or piece of anything: চৌচির. চিরকুট (noun) a small piece of paper; a slip; a chit.
- Bengali Word চির ২ English definition (adjective) (1) continuing without end; permanent; everlasting; perpetual: চির নবীন. (2) entire; whole; complete: চিরকাল, চিরজীবন. (3) continuing for a long time; existing from time immemorial: চিরাচরিত. (4) for the whole life; till death: চিরকুমার. চির অন্ধকার (adjective) perpetually and profoundly dark. (noun) perpetual gloom. চির অম্লান(adjective) that never fades; unfading; never-fading. চিরঋণী (adjective) indebted for ever. চিরকাল (noun) duration without end; eternity; infinite time. (adverb) always; for ever; endlessly; perpetually; eternally. চিরকালীন, চিরকেলে (dialect) (adjective) covering all times; lasting for ever. চিরকুমার (adjective) one who remains bachelor under a vow or on principle. (noun) a confirmed bachelor; a celibate. চিরক্রিয় (adjective) sluggish; slothful; procrastinating; dilatory. চিরঞ্জীব, চিরজীবী (adjective(s)) undying; immortal. চিরজীবী হও May you live long. চিরতরে (adjective) for ever. চিরনিদ্রা (noun) eternal sleep; death. চিরন্তন (adjective) of long standing; existing from time immemorial; eternal চিরন্তনী (feminine) = চির ২. চিরবিচ্ছেদ (noun) permanent estrangement/ separation. চিরবৈরী, চিরশত্রু (noun) a perpetual enemy. চিরসঙ্গী (noun) constant companion. চিরস্মরণীয় (adjective) worthy of being remembered for ever; of everlasting fame; unforgettable.
- Bengali Word চিরকুট English definition = চির ১