চ পৃষ্ঠা ২২
- Bengali Word চুগল, চুগলখোরি English definition [Persian] (noun) slandering the reputation of a person who is absent. চুগলখোর (adjective) one who speaks slanderously about an absent person. (noun) a back-biter.
- Bengali Word চুঙ্গি English definition [Hindi] (noun) (1) a small and narrow tube or pipe. (2) duty levied on goods entering a town; octroi: চুঙ্গিকর.
- Bengali Word চুটকি ১ English definition (noun) (1) ring with swinging bells worn by women on their toes. (2) snapping with the fingers. (3) small commission for weighmen paid in kind. (adjective) short, light and humorous: চুটকি গান, light song; চুটকি সাহিত্য light, humorous literature.
- Bengali Word চুটকি ২ English definition (noun) tuft of hair on the head kept by Brahmins.
- Bengali Word চুটানো English definition (verb transitive) exert one’s energy to the utmost: চুটিয়ে কাজ করা, চুটিয়ে গালি দেওয়া.
- Bengali Word চুন English definition (noun) oxide of calcium obtained by burning limestone; lime. (adjective) pale; dim; whitish: বাবাকে দেখে তার মুখ চুন হয়ে গেল. চুনকাম (noun) washing or painting walls with lime for whitening; whitewash; limewash. পাথর চুন (noun) lime obtained by burning limestone. শামুক চুন (noun) lime made by burning shells of snails. চুনের ভাটি (noun) a furnace in which limestone is reduced to lime; lime-kiln.
- Bengali Word চুনকালি English definition (noun) (1) (literally) lime paste and soot. (2) (figurative) disrepute; disgrace; infamy. মুখে চুনকালি পড়া be disgraced.
- Bengali Word চুনা ১ English definition (adjective) of the nature of lime or chalk; containing lime; calcareous; calciferous. চুনাপাথর (noun) limestone.
- Bengali Word চুনা ২, চুনো English definition (noun) very small fish. (adjective) small and Insignificant: চুনা পুটি, a small variety of fish. (figurative) person of no consequence; an insignificant person.
- Bengali Word চুনি English definition (noun) precious stone of red colour; ruby.
- Bengali Word চুপ English definition (adjective) not speaking; making no noise; silent; mute; dumb. (interjection) (expressive of a command) silence! hush! hold your tongue! চুপ করা (verb intransitive) be silent; keep quiet. চুপ থাকা (verb intransitive) remain silent; keep mum; maintain silence. চুপ হওয়া (verb intransitive) be quiet/silent. চুপচাপ (adjective) not making any noise or movement; speechless; motionless; inactive. (adverb) in a silent manner; silently: চুপচাপ বসে থাকা. চুপটি (adjective) quick silent; absolutely speechless or motionless. চুপটি করে/ চুপ মেরে (adverb) quite silently; stealthily. চুপমারা (verb intransitive) be quiet of one’s own accord.
- Bengali Word চুপসানো English definition চোপসা
- Bengali Word চুপি English definition (noun) silence; quiet; absence of noise. চুপিচাপি (adverb) without making any noise and beyond the knowledge of others; imperceptibly; surreptitiously; stealthily: চুপিচাপি সরে পড়া. চুপি চুপি, চুপে চুপে (adverb) (1) in a low voice; in a whisper: চুপি কথা বলা. (2) without being noticed by others; stealthily; surreptitiously: চুপি উকি মারা. চুপি সারে (adverb) (1) in a silent manner; silently. (2) beyond the knowledge of others; imperceptibly.
- Bengali Word চুপড়ি English definition (noun) a wicker-basket: এক চুপড়ি মাছ, a basketful of fishes.
- Bengali Word চুবানি English definition চুবানো
- Bengali Word চুবানো, চোবানো English definition (verb transitive) plunge in a liquid; dip: পানিতে চুবানো. চুবানি, চোবানি (noun) act of dipping. নাকানি-চুবানি/চোবানি (noun) extreme harassment; being harassed with unnecessary troubles.
- Bengali Word চুমকি English definition (noun) small sparkling object of silvery or golden colour inlaid on garments, etc; a spangle; a foil; a tinsel. চুমকি বসানো (adjective) spangled; tinselled.
- Bengali Word চুমা, চুমো, চুমু English definition (noun) a kiss. চুমা খাওয়া/চুমা দেওয়া (verb transitive) kiss.
- Bengali Word চুমুক English definition (noun) quantity of liquid swallowed once without taking breath; a draught; a sip. চুমুক দেওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) take a draught/sip. এক চুমুকে (adverb) in one sip; at a draught.
- Bengali Word চুম্বক English definition (noun) (1) the loadstone, which has the property of attracting iron; magnet. (2) (figurative) something exercising strong attraction. (3) the summary or gist of a thing; an abstract চুম্বকত্ব (noun) magnetic power; magnetism. চুম্বকিত (adjective) magnetized. চুম্বকমেরু (noun) the location to which the compass-needle points; magnetic pole. চুম্বক শলাকা (noun) magnetic or compass-needle.