ঘ পৃষ্ঠা ২
- Bengali Word ঘনাগম English definition [ঘন + আগম] (noun) advent of clouds; the rainy season; the rains.
- Bengali Word ঘনাঙ্ক English definition [ঘন + অঙ্ক ] (noun) (physics) the relation of weight to volume; specific gravity; density.
- Bengali Word ঘনাত্যয় English definition [ঘন + অত্যয়], ঘনান্ত [ঘন + অন্ত] (noun) a departure/ end of the rainy season; the autumn.
- Bengali Word ঘনানো English definition (verb transitive) (1) draw near; approach; overtake: মৃত্যু ঘনিয়ে আসছে, Death is drawing nigh/ approaching/ impending/ imminent; তার দিন ঘনিয়েছে, His time is up; His days are numbered.
- Bengali Word ঘনান্ধকার English definition [ঘন + অন্ধকার] (noun) deep darkness. (adjective) pitch dark.
- Bengali Word ঘনাবৃত English definition [ঘন + আবৃত] (adjective) overcast with clouds.
- Bengali Word ঘনায়মান English definition (adjective) (1) getting dense; thickening. (2) getting closer; approaching.
- Bengali Word ঘনিমা English definition (noun) a closeness of constituent parts; density; thickness; compactness.
- Bengali Word ঘনিষ্ঠ English definition (adjective) (1) very thick; very close. (2) very near; closely related: ঘনিষ্ঠ আত্মীয়. (3) very intimate: ঘনিষ্ঠ বন্ধু, an intimate friend; a bosom friend. ঘনিষ্ঠা (feminine) = ঘনিষ্ঠ. ঘনিষ্ঠতা (noun) a closeness; nearness; intimacy.
- Bengali Word ঘনীকৃত English definition (adjective) that has been thickened/ condensed/ solidified/ congealed.
- Bengali Word ঘনীভবন English definition (noun) condensation; solidification.
- Bengali Word ঘনীভূত English definition (adverb) become solid or firm: বিপদ ঘনীভূত হলো.
- Bengali Word ঘনোপল English definition [ঘন + উপল] (noun) frozen drops of rain; hailstones falling from a cloud; hail.
- Bengali Word ঘর English definition (noun) (1) an abode; a dwelling; a house; a home. (2) a room; an apartment: পড়ার ঘর. (3) a Hindu temple: ঠাকুর ঘর. (4) domestic life; household : ঘর করা. (5) family: এক ঘর জেলে. (6) a line of ancestors; lineage; pedigree: উচ্চ ঘর. (7) a column of an account book: জমার ঘর. খরচের ঘর. (8) a button-hole: বোতামের ঘর. (9) an office: ডাক ঘর. (10) a groove; a pocket : ছাপার টাইপের ঘর. ঘর আলো করা (figurative) bring joy, happiness or pride to a family. ঘরকন্না (noun) (of a woman) housekeeping; the duties of a housewife; housewifery. ঘরকন্না করা (verb intransitive) keep house ; manage household affairs; run a house. ঘর করা (verb intransitive) (1) build a house. (2) (of a woman) play the part of a housewife or mistress of one’s husband’s house. ঘর কাটা (verb intransitive) draw columns, squares, etc on a piece of paper. ঘর-কাটা (adjective) divided into columns or separate spaces. ঘরকুনো (adjective) (1) one who is shy of outdoor activities. (2) not social; not caring to mix with one’s fellows. ঘরকুনোমি (noun) home-keeping. ঘর খরচ (noun) household expenses; maintenance cost of a family. ঘর খোঁজা (verb intransitive) look for a suitable family for matrimonial alliance. ঘর-গড়া (adjective) home-made. ঘর গড়া (verb intransitive) (1) construct a house. (2) get married and settle as a householder. (3) equip and embellish a house with all necessaries after one’s heart. ঘর গুষ্ঠি (noun) all the members of a family. ঘর ঘর (adverb) in every household; from house to house; from door to door. ঘর-ঘেঁসা (adjective) devoted to one’s household. ঘর ছাড়া (verb intransitive) renounce one’s hearth and home; abjure worldly life; take to asceticism. ঘরছাড়া (adjective) one who has renounced worldly life and has taken to asceticism. ঘরজামাই (noun) person who puts up with his father-in-Iaw’s family. ঘরজোড়া (adjective) (1) occupying the whole room/ house: ঘর জোড়া গালিচা. (2) that which adds to the beauty of the house: ঘর জোড়া নাতিনাতনী. ঘর জ্বালানো (verb intransitive) (1) set fire to a house. (2) (figurative) poison the mutual relationship in a family; make a home unquiet. ঘরজ্বালানে (adjective) one who is at the root of unhappiness of a family. ঘরজ্বালানী (feminine) = ঘরজ্বালানে. ঘর তোলা (verb intransitive) (1) construct a house. (2) make a knitting design. ঘর নষ্ট করা vi 1 destroy the happiness of a family. (2) do something that brings dishonour to a family. (3) marry in or give one in marriage to a lower family. ঘর পর (noun) one’s own people and others. ঘর পাওয়া (verb intransitive) get a suitable bride or bridegroom from a good family. ঘর পাতা (verb intransitive) be settled in family life. ঘর-পোড়া (adjective) (1) one whose dwelling has been burnt down. (2) one who has gathered experience from the burning of a cowshed: ঘর পোড়া গরু. (noun) the Ramayana character Hanumana who burnt down houses in Lanka. ঘর পোড়া গরু সিঁদুরে মেঘ দেখে ডরায় (literally) a cow that has the experience of a conflagration dreads red clouds in the evening sky (prov); once bitten, twice shy; a scolded dog fears cold water; a burnt child dreads the fire. ঘর-পোষা (adjective) domesticated; tame. ঘর বর (noun) one’s husband and his family; ঘর বাঁধা (verb intransitive) build a house; settle down (at a place). ঘর বার করা (verb intransitive) go out of doors and come indoors repeatedly in one’s anxiety for someone. ঘর ভাঙ্গা / ঘর ভাঙা (verb intransitive) (1) pull down a house. (2) break up a family. (3) cause dissension in a family. ঘরভাঙ্গানে (adjective) one who causes dissension in a family ঘরভাঙ্গানি (feminine) = ঘরভাঙ্গানে. ঘরমুখো (adjective) (1) eager to go home; home-sick. (2) homeward. ঘর-সংসার (noun) household life/ affairs. ঘর-সংসার করা (verb intransitive) live with one‘s husband/ wife; live the life of a householder/ housewife. ঘরে আগুন দেওয়া = ঘর জ্বালানো. ঘরে পরে (adverb) (1) everywhere out of doors and within; at home and abroad. (2) irrespective of friend and foe. ঘরের কথা (noun) internal secret of a family or party. ঘরের শত্রু (noun) one who betrays his own people; an internal enemy; a fifth columnist; a traitor; a quisling.
- Bengali Word ঘরট্ট English definition (noun) pair of heavy circular flat stones between which corn is milled; millstones.
- Bengali Word ঘরনী, ঘরনি English definition (noun) the mistress of a house; a housewife. (adjective) skilled and experienced in one’s duties and responsibilities as a housewife. ঘরন্তী = ঘরনী (adjective).
- Bengali Word ঘরানা English definition (adjective) (1) of high status; high born: ঘরানা পরিবার. (2) relating to/ concerning a particular family: ঘরানা ব্যাপার. (noun) a typical tradition of music; a particular school of musical tradition: তানসেন ঘরানা.
- Bengali Word ঘরামি English definition (noun) person who is a builder of huts by profession; a thatcher. ঘরামিগিরি (noun) occupation of a thatcher.
- Bengali Word ঘরে পরে English definition ঘর
- Bengali Word ঘরোয়া English definition (adjective) (1) concerning a family; pertaining to the internal affairs of a household: ঘরোয়া ব্যাপার. (2) in close touch; familiar; intimate: ঘরোয়া লোক. (3) confined within a close circle : ঘরোয়া অনুষ্ঠান. (4) without ceremony; not in usual form; informnal: ঘরোয়া পরিবেশ.