ঘ পৃষ্ঠা ৩
- Bengali Word ঘর্ঘর English definition (interjection) (onomatopoeia) denoting a rattling sound as that of a bullock cart in motion. (noun) the sound made by a cat when pleased; purr. ঘর্ঘর করা (verb intransitive) (1) make a rattling sound; rattle. (2) murmur/ purr (as a cat). ঘর্ঘর শব্দে (adverb) with a rattling noise.
- Bengali Word ঘর্ম English definition (noun) exudation of sweat; perspiration. ঘর্ম হওয়া (verb intransitive) sweat; perspire; exude. ঘর্ম সিক্ত, ঘর্মাক্ত, ঘর্মাপ্লুত (adjective) drenched with perspiration; sweating profusely. ঘর্মাক্ত কলেবর (adjective) one who is sweating all over. ঘর্মাক্ত কলেবরে (adverb) with the body sweating all over.
- Bengali Word ঘর্ষক English definition (adjective) that rubs; rubbing. ঘর্ষকপদী (noun) the kind of birds that finds food by purging the ground with their legs (as the chicken).
- Bengali Word ঘর্ষণ English definition (noun) act of rubbing/ scouring; abrasion. ঘর্ষণ করা (verb transitive) apply friction to the surface of; move something along the surface (of something) with pressure; rub; scour; abrade; graze. ঘর্ষিত (adjective) that has been rubbed.
- Bengali Word ঘষা English definition (verb transitive) move along something with pressure; rub; graze; scour; abrade. (noun) rubbing of; scouring; friction; abrasion. (adjective) rubbed; grazed; abraded; scoured: ঘষা পয়সা. ঘষা-ঘষা (adjective) appearing as abraded; slightly grazed. ঘষাঘষি (noun) (1) act of rubbing each other. (2) rubbing repeatedly. (3) (figurative) excessive intimacy (with somebody). ঘষা-মাজা (noun) (1) act of scrubbing or brushing up. (2) (figurative) assiduous practice for improvement. ঘষা-মাজা করা (verb transitive) (1) rub hard to make clean or bright. (2) (figurative) try assiduously to improve upon. ঘষা-মাজা রূপ (noun) beauty with artificial aids; made-up beauty/ glamour.
- Bengali Word ঘষ্টানো English definition (verb transitive) (1) scrape off by rubbing continuously. (2) drag along something hard. (3) (figurative) make repeated attempt to master something. ঘষ্টানি (noun) = ঘষ্টানো.
- Bengali Word ঘা English definition (noun) (1) a blow; a stroke; a shock: বেতের ঘা. (2) a wound; a sore; an ulcer: পচা ঘা. (3) a sudden disturbing emotion; heart-sore; grief : ঘা খাওয়া. (4) damage; waste; loss: কারবারে ঘা খাওয়া. (5) knocking: দরজায় ঘা দেওয়া. ঘা কতক (noun) a number of blows. ঘা কতক বসিয়ে দেওয়া (verb transitive) deal (one) a good number of blows. ঘা খাওয়া (verb intransitive) receive a blow; suffer a loss; learn from suffering. ঘা খেয়ে বোঝা/ ঘা শেখা learn by experience; be wise after the event. ঘা দেওয়া (verb intransitive) (1) hurt one’s feelings; cause shock to one’s heart. (2) strike or inflict a blow. ঘা মারা = ঘা দেওয়া (2). ঘা শুকানো (verb intransitive) be healed; be cured. ঘা শুকিয়েছে the wound is healed. ঘা সওয়া (verb intransitive) endure a blow/ shock with patience. (adjective) one who is capable or in the habit of enduring a blow or insult with calmness. ঘা হওয়া (verb intransitive) be ulcerated. নালী ঘা (noun) an ulcer in the form of a cavity and containing pus; a sinus; a fistula. মড়ার উপর খাড়ার ঘা (prov) flogging a dead horse; adding insult to injury. সর্বাঙ্গে ঘা, ওষুধ দেব কোথা When there are sores all over the body, where is the salve to be applied? (figurative) An irremediable state.
- Bengali Word ঘাঁটা ১ English definition (verb transitive) (1) beat up; stir; agitate. (2) study, review or examine : ফাইলপত্র ঘাঁটা. ঘাঁটাঘাঁটি (noun) (1) continuous searching , review or discussion. (2) violent agitation; commotion; bustle. ঘাঁটা ঘাঁটি করা (verb transitive) beat up; stir; agitate. ঘাঁটানো (verb transitive) (1) cause to stir; excite; agitate. (2) disturb; annoy; vex; irritate.
- Bengali Word ঘাঁটা ২ English definition (noun) a horny excrescence on a toe or foot; a corn.
- Bengali Word ঘাঁটি, ঘাটি English definition (noun) (1) a watch-post; a police or military outpost. (2) a station; a depot: বিমান ঘাঁটি, an aerodrome; জাহাজ ঘাঁটি, a dock. (3) a haunt: a rendezvous: জুয়াড়িদের ঘাঁটি. ঘাঁটি আগলানো (verb intransitive) guard an outpost. ঘাঁটিয়াল (noun) the chief of an outpost.
- Bengali Word ঘাঁত, ঘাত English definition (noun) (1) the opportune moment or secret means to fulfil a design. (2) tricks; device; contrivance: also ঘাঁত ঘোত.
- Bengali Word ঘাই English definition (noun) a stroke; a blow; a noisy stroke (as made by a large fish on the surface of water with its tail): ঘাই মারা.
- Bengali Word ঘাগরা English definition [Hindi] (noun) the lower and loose part of a western woman’s garment; a skirt.
- Bengali Word ঘাগি, ঘাগী, ঘাগু English definition (adjective) (1) experienced by long practice or repeated faults and failures; a veteran. (2) confirmed; obstinate; inveterate; hardened: ঘাগিচোর, বদমাশ.
- Bengali Word ঘাঘর English definition (noun) a kind of musical instrument; a pair of cymbals.
- Bengali Word ঘাট ১ English definition (noun) (1) a slope or a flight of steps leading down to the water level of a pond or river; a ghat. (2) a landing stage on a marine route; a quay; a wharf; a moorage: জাহাজ ঘাট. (3) the reed of a harmonium. (4) either of the mountain ranges on the eastern and western side of south India: পশ্চিম ঘাট, পূর্ব ঘাট. ঘাট কামান (noun) the practice of shaving heads of sons on the expiry of the period of mourning a parent’s death as prevalent among Hindus. ঘাটে এসে নাও ডুবানো (figurative) do a single mistake to spoil a successful process. ঘাটে ঘাটে (adverb) at every stage; everywhere. ঘাটের কড়ি (noun) fare or the sum charged for conveying a person across a river. ঘাটের মড়া (noun) (1) (hit) a corpse for cremation as a Hindu rite. (2) a dying man; an old decrepit person.
- Bengali Word ঘাট ২ English definition (noun) (1) a fault; an offence; a failure: ঘাট হওয়া. (2) want; shortage; deficiency: কোনো দিকে ঘাট নেই. ঘাট মানা (verb intransitive) admit a fault; apologize. ঘাট মানানো (verb transitive) make (one) admit a fault/ apologize. ঘাট হওয়া (verb intransitive) be at fault: আমার ঘাট হয়েছে, It'’ my fault, l apologize.
- Bengali Word ঘাটতি English definition [Hindi] (noun) the amount short; shortage; deficit. ঘাটতি বাজেট, the budget in which expenditure exceeds income; a deficit budget.
- Bengali Word ঘাটলা English definition (noun) a flight of stairs, built of brick or stone, at the bank of a pond or river.
- Bengali Word ঘাটা English definition (noun) (1) landing stage on a waterway; a quay; a wharf; a moorage: জাহাজ ঘাটা, নৌকা ঘাটা. (2) a road; a public passage.