ঘ পৃষ্ঠা ৫
- Bengali Word ঘায়েল English definition (adjective) (1) wounded; injured. (2) killed. (3) overpowered; discomfited. ঘায়েল করা (verb transitive) defeat heavily; deal a heavy blow. ঘায়েল হওয়া (verb intransitive) be routed or discomfited.
- Bengali Word ঘি English definition (noun) clarified or melted butter made from the milk of cows or buffaloes; ghee.
- Bengali Word ঘিঞ্জি English definition (adjective) (1) closely placed; dense; congested; over-crowded. (2) narrow.
- Bengali Word ঘিনঘিন English definition (interjection) suggesting uneasiness caused by detestation of something: গা ঘিনঘিন করা.
- Bengali Word ঘিরা English definition (verb transitive) (1) shut up or a confine on all sides; enclose; inclose: প্রাচীর দিয়ে ঘেরা
- Bengali Word ঘিলু English definition (noun) (1) the material of which the brain consists; brains. (2) the ability to think; intelligence.
- Bengali Word ঘুঁজি, ঘুঞ্জি English definition (noun) (1) congested place or narrow lane. (2) dark, narrow and dirty place. গলি ঘুঁজি (noun) the narrow lanes of a congested and overcrowded area.
- Bengali Word ঘুঁটনি, ঘুটনি, ঘুটুনি English definition (noun) a pestle for beating up dal or split pulse: ডাল ঘুঁটনি.
- Bengali Word ঘুঁটা English definition (verb transitive) stir up; churn; agitate.
- Bengali Word ঘুঁটি, গুটি English definition (noun) (1) a piece or pawn in chess or similar other games. ঘুঁটি চালা (verb intransitive) move a piece from one place to another.
- Bengali Word ঘুঁটে English definition (noun) cakes made of cowdung and dried for use as fuel; cowdung cakes. ঘুঁটে কুড়ানি, ঘুঁটে কুড়ুনী (noun) (feminine) a woman who makes cowdung cakes to earn her livelihood; (figurative) a poor and humble person.
- Bengali Word ঘুঘু English definition (noun) (1) the dove; the turtle-dove; the famous wild bird of the pigeon family. (2) (figurative) a shrewd and designing person. সেয়ানা ঘুঘু (figurative) a skillful and experienced person. ঘুঘু দেখেছো ফাঁদ দেখোনি (figurative) You have not seen the worst. ঘুঘু চরানো 1 eject (one) from his homestead: ভিটেয় ঘুঘু চরানো. (2) cause ruination to one.
- Bengali Word ঘুঙুর, ঘুঙ্গুর English definition (noun) ornamental ring with bells worn at ankles; bangle of bells for the ankle.
- Bengali Word ঘুচা, ঘোচা English definition (verb intransitive) (1) pass away; disappear; be dispelled. (2) come to an end; cease to exist: দুঃখ ঘুচা. ঘুচানো (verb transitive) remove; dispel; relieve: দুঃখ ঘুচা, alleviate one’s sufferings; অন্ধকার ঘোচা, dispel darkness; সন্দেহ ঘুচা. dispel doubt. সমৃদ্ধ ঘুচা (verb intransitive) sever a break off connection.
- Bengali Word ঘুটঘুট English definition (interjection) denoting extreme density of darkness: অন্ধকার ঘুটঘুট করছে. ঘুটঘুটে (adjective) deep; thick: চারিদিকে ঘুটঘুটে অন্ধকার.
- Bengali Word ঘুণ English definition (noun) a small worm that makes holes in wood; wood-worm. (2) (figurative) something that eats into vigour and vitality: ঘুণে ধরা সমাজ. (adjective) having ability, cleverness and skill; dexterous; skilful; experienced. ঘুণ পরিমাণ (adjective) of little amount: ঘুণ পরিমাণ তথ্যও আমার জানা নেই, ঘুণাক্ষর (noun) (1) a letter-like mark on a worn-eaten timber. (2) (figurative) a slight hint. ঘুণাক্ষরে (adverb) in the least; to the slightest extent: আমি ঘুণাক্ষরেও জানি না.
- Bengali Word ঘুণ্টি English definition (noun) (1) button made of cloth or thread. (2) a small bell.
- Bengali Word ঘুনসি English definition (noun) thread worn round the waist, especially by woman.
- Bengali Word ঘুপচি English definition (adjective) (1) dark and narrow; like a small closed hole
- Bengali Word ঘুপটি English definition (noun) act of hiding oneself: ঘুপটি মেরে থাকা.