ঘ পৃষ্ঠা ৯
- Bengali Word ঘোল English definition (noun) the watery part of milk which remains when butter has been churned; buttermilk; whey. ঘোল খাওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (figurative) (1) get into a disadvantageous position and suffer harassment. (2) be totally discomfited and involved in great trouble. ঘোল খাওয়ানো (verb transitive) (figurative) (1) cause (one) to suffer harassment. (2) humiliate (one); chastise (one); teach (one) a lesson. ঘোল মন্থন (noun) churning of butter. ঘোল মন্থনী, ঘোল মউনি (noun) a churning rod. দুধের সাধ ঘোলে মেটানো (prov) have to be satisfied with an inferior substitute. মাথায় ঘোল ঢালা (figurative) humiliate (a person) in public.
- Bengali Word ঘোলা English definition (adjective) (1) not clear; defiled; turbid; foul: পানি. (2) (of water) containing mud; muddy; dirty. (3) wanting lustre; lack-lustre. (4) dull; dim. (5) frosty: ঘোলা বাল্ব (6) rotten; decomposed: ঘোলা ডিম. ঘোলাটে (adjective) rather a bit turbid; somewhat opaque or dull. ঘোলানো = ঘুলানো.
- Bengali Word ঘোষ English definition (noun) (1) a sound; a noise: a note. (2) an announcement; a proclamation; a declaration. (3) a milkman by caste. (4) family name of certain Bengali Hindus. ঘোষক (adjective) one who announces/ proclaims/declares. (noun) an announcer; a proclaimer; a preacher. ঘোষবর্ণ (noun) (grammar) a voiced consonant.
- Bengali Word ঘোষণা English definition (noun) (1) a loud declaration; a proclamation; an announcement. (2) a circular notice; a communiqué; a pamphlet; a handbill. (3) making a declaration with necessary formalities: যুদ্ধ ঘোষণা. (verb transitive) proclaim; declare announce; publish. ঘোষণাপত্র (noun) a written announcement or proclamation; a communiqué; a bulletin.
- Bengali Word ঘোষিত English definition (adjective) (1) that which has been announced or proclaimed. (2) that has been sounded/noised.
- Bengali Word ঘোড়গাড়ি English definition (noun) a carriage drawn by horse(s); a hackney carriage.
- Bengali Word ঘোড়দৌড় English definition (noun) a race run by horses; horse race. (কাউকে) ঘোড়দৌড় করানো harass (one) by causing him to run like a horse. ঘোড়দৌড়ের ঘোড়া (noun) a racehorse. ঘোড়দৌড়ের মাঠ (noun) race-course.
- Bengali Word ঘোড়সওয়ার English definition (noun) a rider on horseback; a horseman; a cavalier.
- Bengali Word ঘোড়া English definition (noun) (1) a horse. (2) (in chess) a piece bearing a horse’s head; a knight. (3) the cock of a gun; trigger. (বন্দুকের) ঘোড়া টেপা pull the trigger (of a gun). ঘোড়া ডিঙিয়ে ঘাস খাওয়া (prov) bypass the immediate superior/proper channel. ঘোড়া দেখে খোঁড়া হওয়া (prov) be unwilling to work when there is somebody to help. ঘোড়ার জিন দিয়ে আসা be in hot haste. ঘোড়ার ডিম (figurative) a discovery that amounts to nothing; a hoax; a mare’s nest. ঘোড়ায় চড়া (verb intransitive) ride a horse. ঘোড়া রোগ (figurative) an extremely expensive hobby; a harmful craze. ঘোড়াশাল (noun) a house for horses; a stable.
- Bengali Word ঘ্যাগ English definition (noun) enlargement of the thyroid gland; goitre.
- Bengali Word ঘ্যাচড়া English definition (noun) a part of the skin hardened by friction; callosity: ঘেঁচড়া পড়া.
- Bengali Word ঘ্যান ঘ্যান English definition (interjection) suggesting whimpering/whining or continuous complaining about something. (noun) whining cry. ঘ্যান ঘ্যান করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) whine; whimper; solicit something importunately; complain of something continuously.
- Bengali Word ঘ্যানর ঘ্যানর English definition (interjection) (1) = ঘ্যান ঘ্যান. (2) continuous grating noise (as of a spinning wheel).
- Bengali Word ঘ্রাণ English definition (noun) smell; scent. ঘ্রাণ নেওয়া (verb transitive) smell. ঘ্রাণশক্তি (noun) sense of smell.
- Bengali Word ঘ্রাণেন্দ্রিয় English definition [ঘ্রাণ + ইন্দ্রিয়] (noun) organ of smell; the nose.
- Bengali Word ঘড়া English definition (noun) a jar; a pitcher.
- Bengali Word ঘড়ি English definition (noun) a timepiece; a watch; a clock. ঘড়ি ঘড়ি (adverb) at every moment; at every hour; frequently. অ্যালার্ম-ঘড়ি (noun) an alarm-clock. টেবিল ঘড়ি (noun) a table-clock; a timepiece. দেয়াল ঘড়ি (noun) a wall-clock. পকেট ঘড়ি (noun) a pocket watch. বিরাম ঘড়ি (noun) (physics) watch that can be started and stopped when desired, used for timing events (such as races) to a fraction of a second; a stopwatch. হাত ঘড়ি (noun) a wrist-watch.
- Bengali Word ঘড়িয়াল ১ English definition [Hindi] (noun) a variety of crocodile with a very long muzzle found in Asian waters; a gavial.
- Bengali Word ঘড়িয়াল ২ English definition (noun) one who strikes a gong to indicate hours; a gong-striker; a bell-man.
- Bengali Word ঘড়িয়াল ৩, ঘড়েল, ঘোড়েল English definition (noun) a very sly and wily person.