ঘ পৃষ্ঠা ৭
- Bengali Word ঘূর্ণ্যমান English definition (noun) circular movement; whirling; rotation; revolution.
- Bengali Word ঘৃণা English definition (noun) (1) a feeling of dislike, disgust or aversion; repulsion. (2) detestation; abhorrence; hatred; contempt: scorn. (3) feeling of shame/ disgrace. ঘৃণা করা (verb transitive) (1) hate; detest, loathe; abhor. (2) look down upon; treat with contempt; despise; disdain. ঘৃণার্হ (adjective) despicable; contemptible; abominable; deserving hate.
- Bengali Word ঘৃণিত English definition (adjective) (1) that has excited hate; hated; despised. (2) arousing hatred; provoking ill-will; detestable; hateful. (3) one who is condemned/ animadverted. (4) blameworthy; reproachable; heinous: ঘৃণিত আচরণ. (5) low; vile; base; mean.
- Bengali Word ঘৃণ্য English definition (adjective) despicable; contemptible; abominable; deserving hate.
- Bengali Word ঘৃত English definition (noun) clarified butter; ghee. ঘৃতপক্ব (adjective) fried or cooked with ghee.
- Bengali Word ঘৃতকুমারী English definition (noun) a small medicinal plant; the aloe.
- Bengali Word ঘৃতাক্ত English definition (adjective) smeared or anointed with ghee.
- Bengali Word ঘৃতাচি, ঘৃতার্চিঃ English definition [ঘৃত + অর্চিঃ] (noun) fire.
- Bengali Word ঘৃতান্ন English definition [ঘৃত + অন্ন] (noun) rice boiled with ghee; pilau.
- Bengali Word ঘৃতাহুতি English definition [ঘৃত + আহুতি] (noun) libation of sanctified ghee into a Hindu sacred fire. জ্বলন্ত অগ্নিতে ঘৃতাহুতি দেওয়া (figurative) add fuel to the fire.
- Bengali Word ঘৃষ্ট English definition (adjective) (1) what has been rubbed or scoured. (2) trampled; thrashed; pounded: ঘৃষ্ট চন্দন. (3) cleansed; brushed. (4) produced by rubbing: ঘৃষ্ট ধ্বনি.
- Bengali Word ঘেঁচু, ঘেচু English definition (noun) (1) esculent root of arum: কচু ঘেঁচু. (2) (slang) a mere trifle; nothing; fig: ঘেঁচু হবে. ঘেঁচু করা (verb intransitive) fail to do anything: ঘেঁচু করবে. কচু ঘেঁচু (noun) trashy things; trifles.
- Bengali Word ঘেঁচড়া, ঘেচড়া English definition (noun) a part of the skin hardened by friction; callosity: ঘেঁচড়া পড়া. (adjective) (1) affected with callosity. (2) disobedient; obstinate; refractory: ঘেঁচড়া ছেলে. (3) unfeeling; callous.
- Bengali Word ঘেঁষ English definition (noun) (1) touch; contact. (2) intimacy; close familiarity. (3) indulgence: ঘেঁষ দেওয়া, admit into familiarity. ঘেঁষ ঘেঁষ (adjective) very close to each other.
- Bengali Word ঘেঁষা English definition (verb transitive) (1) approach; draw close to; come in contact with. ঘেঁষাঘেঁষি (adverb) closely; thickly. ঘেঁষাঘেঁষি করা (verb transitive) press close to one another; throng together.
- Bengali Word ঘেঁষড়ানো English definition (verb transitive) draw or drag behind. ঘেঁষড়ানি (noun).
- Bengali Word ঘেউ English definition (interjection), (noun) barking noise; the bark of a dog. ঘেউ করা (verb intransitive) bark.
- Bengali Word ঘেঙানো English definition (verb intransitive) express distress by a plaintive drawling cry with a whining voice; whine; whimper. ঘেঙানি (noun) whining; a whine; a whimper.
- Bengali Word ঘেটি English definition (colloquial) neck; throat: ঘেটি ধরে বের করে দেওয়া.
- Bengali Word ঘেটেল English definition (noun) (1) a toll collector at a ferryghat. (2) a ferryman. ঘেটেলি (noun) the profession or the remuneration of a ferryman.