ট পৃষ্ঠা ৩
- Bengali Word টলা English definition (verb intransitive) be agitated/perturbed/tremulous. (2) waver; vacillate: মন টলা. (3) stagger; totter: পা টলা. (4) be displayed/dislocated. (5) go back from; flinch. টলানো (verb transitive) (1) cause to waver or vacillate. (2) cause to flinch or retract. (3) cause to displace or dislocate.
- Bengali Word টস English definition (interjection) denoting sound of the dropping of a liquid or of trickling (as tears). টস টস (interjection) denoting the state of being full of juice: পেকে টস টস করছে. টসটসে (adjective) full of juice; juicy; fished.
- Bengali Word টহল English definition (noun) going round by a guard to secure the safety of an area; patrol. টহল দেওয়া (verb intransitive) go one’s rounds; patrol. টহলদার (noun) policemen on rounds; a watchman; an ambulator. টহলদারি (noun) act of keeping watch by ambulation.
- Bengali Word টহলানো English definition (verb transitive) cause (a horse) to go backwards and forwards/walk up and down (to recover from exhaustion of running long distance).
- Bengali Word টা English definition (suffix) used (a) to indicate a definite person or thing: বাড়িটা, কাজটা, লোকটা; (b) in contempt: চাকরটা, চোরটা; (c) in endearment: মেয়েটা বড়ো কষ্টে পড়েছে.
- Bengali Word টা-টা English definition (interjection), (noun) a familiar form of salutation at parting; good-bye.
- Bengali Word টাঁক ১ English definition (noun) (1) aim; a fixed gaze; a covetous look. (2) act of waiting with a hope.
- Bengali Word টাঁক ২, টাক English definition [English] (noun) a stitched fold in a garment for shortening or for ornament; a tuck.
- Bengali Word টাঁকশাল English definition (noun) the place where money is coined; a mint.
- Bengali Word টাঁকা ১ English definition (verb transitive) stitch; put a tuck in; tuck.
- Bengali Word টাঁকা ২ English definition (verb transitive) aim at; anticipate.
- Bengali Word টাইট English definition [English] (adjective) fitting close or too close; compact; tight.
- Bengali Word টাইপ English definition [English] (noun) (1) letter used in printing. (2) a representative; member of a class or kind; modal; type: ঐ টাইপের ছেলেরা ভালো হয় না. (3) the kind, variety or general class of a thing: টাইপ চরিত্রের অভিনয়ে তিনি অদ্বিতীয়. টাইপ করা (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) typewrite; type. টাইপ রাইটার (noun) machine used as a substitute for the pen, producing letters by inked types; a typewriter. টাইপিস্ট (noun) one who types; a typist.
- Bengali Word টাইফুন English definition [English] (noun) a violent hurricane on the coasts of China and Japan; typhoon.
- Bengali Word টাইফয়েড English definition [English] (noun) a fever characterized by abdominal pains and diarrhoea; typhoid.
- Bengali Word টাইম English definition [English] (noun) (1) a measure of duration; age; epoch; era; time. (2) occasion; opportunity; leisure. টাইম টেবল (noun) a list of times at which certain tasks have to be done or certain events are due to happen; a schedule. টাইমপিস (noun) a clock.
- Bengali Word টাইল English definition [English] (noun) a slab of beaked clay for roofing; tile.
- Bengali Word টাউন English definition [English] (noun) a populous place larger than village; a town.
- Bengali Word টাক English definition (noun) (1) want of hair on the head; baldness. (2) hairless head. (adjective) wanting hair; bald. টেকো (adjective) bald. টাক পড়া be bald.
- Bengali Word টাকা English definition (noun) unit of money in Bangladesh; Taka. টাকার মানুষ (noun) wealthy person. টাকা ওড়ানো (verb intransitive) squander money. টাকা করা (verb intransitive) make/earn money; amass wealth. টাকা খাওয়া (verb intransitive) accept bribe; receive unlawful gratification. টাকা ভাঙানো (verb intransitive) change a currency note. টাকা মারা (verb intransitive) misappropriate; embezzle. টাকাওয়ালা (adjective) rich; wealthy; moneyed. টাকাকড়ি (noun) (plural) money; riches. টাকার গরম (noun) pride of wealth. টাকার শ্রাদ্ধ (noun) misuse of money.