ট পৃষ্ঠা ৫
- Bengali Word টায়টায় English definition (adverb) barely enough to do; not more.
- Bengali Word টায়রা English definition (noun) an ornament worn on the head; a tiara.
- Bengali Word টিউটর English definition (noun) [English] a teacher; a private instructor; tutor.
- Bengali Word টিউশনি English definition = টুইশনি
- Bengali Word টিক English definition (noun) [English] 1 a light tapping sound as made by a watch or clock; tick. টিক টিক (noun) ticking sound of a watch/clock; tick-tick; tick-tock: ঘড়িটি টিক টিক করছে, tick-tick goes the clock. (2) a mark (√) used to indicate approval or correctness. টিক দেওয়া, put a tick-mark; tick.
- Bengali Word টিকটিকি English definition (noun) (1) small reptile living in dwelling houses; house-lizard. (2) (sarcastic) a police officer whose duty is to detect criminals; a detective. টিকটিকি পড়া (noun) ticking of a house-lizard, commonly believed to be an ill-omen, Specially, if it occurs on the eve of one’s going out or starting a work.
- Bengali Word টিকলি English definition (noun) (1) a thin slice; a small piece: আখের টিকলি. (2) a jewellery worn on the forehead; a tiara.
- Bengali Word টিকা ১ English definition (noun) small cake of charcoal dust used as fuel for the hookah.
- Bengali Word টিকা ২ English definition (noun) inoculation with vaccine in order to ward off small-pox; vaccination. টিকা দেওয়া (verb intransitive) inoculate; vaccinate. টিকা নেওয়া (verb intransitive) be vaccinated/inoculated. টিকাদার (noun) a vaccinator.
- Bengali Word টিকা ৩ English definition = টেকা
- Bengali Word টিকি English definition (noun) tuft of uncut hair kept on the head by Hindus. টিকি দেখতে না পাওয়া get no trace of: তার টিকিটিও দেখা যাচ্ছে না, He is hardly to be seen. He has made himself scarce.
- Bengali Word টিকিট, টিকেট English definition [English] (noun) a card or paper issued as a proof that the holder has paid for and is entitled to certain privilege: সিনেমার টিকিট, রেলের টিকিট. ডাক টিকিট (noun) a postage-stamp. টিকিট কেনা (verb intransitive) buy a ticket; book. টিকিট-ঘর (noun) booking office. টিকিট মাস্টার (noun) booking-clerk. টিকিট পরীক্ষক (noun) ticket checker. টিকিট সংগ্রাহক (noun) ticket collector.
- Bengali Word টিকিন English definition [English] (noun) a kind of coarse cloth for making mattress, etc; ticking.
- Bengali Word টিটকারি English definition (noun) a jeer; a scof; a biting jest; sneer. টিটকারি দেওয়া (verb intransitive) utter sarcastic reflections; mock; jeer; sneer; scof.
- Bengali Word টিন English definition [English] (noun) (1) a malleable metal of white colour used in alloys; tin. (2) thin pliable sheets of tin used for wrapping and packing; tinfoil. (3) corrugated iron-sheet used for roofing, etc. (4) boxes or containers made of tin; canister.
- Bengali Word টিপ English definition (noun) (1) small round paint put by women on their forehead. (2) the mark or stain made by a thumb; thumb-mark; thumb-impression. (3) a piece of tinsel worn on the forehead as a decoration. (4) a small quantity as can be held by the fore-finger and the thumb: এক টিপনস্য, a pinch of snuff. টিপ পড়া (verb intransitive) paint the forehead with the tip of a finger; wear a bit of tinsel on the forehead. টিপ-কল (noun) a machine that can be operated by pressure. টিপ বোতাম (noun) pair of buttons that may be fixed to one another by the pressure of finger tips; press-button.
- Bengali Word টিপটপ English definition [English] (adjective) (1) well-arranged; neat and tidy. (2) excellent; the best imaginable; superlative; tip-top.
- Bengali Word টিপটিপ English definition (interjection) denoting (a) dropping, drizzling, throbbing, etc: টিপটিপ করে বৃষ্টি পড়ছে; (b) dimness of Iight: টিপটিপ করে প্রদীপ জ্বলছে. (3) palpitation of heart caused by fear: বুকটা টিপটিপ করতে লাগলো. (4) slow pace of movement: টিপটিপ করে হাঁটা.
- Bengali Word টিপটিপানি English definition (noun) dripping; drizzling; twinge; throb.
- Bengali Word টিপা English definition = টেপা. টিপে দেওয়া (verb transitive) massage.