ট পৃষ্ঠা ৭
- Bengali Word টুঙি, টঙ্গি, টঙ্গ English definition (noun) hut built on a high platform. জল টুঙি (noun) a house built in a pool of water.
- Bengali Word টুটা English definition (verb intransitive) (1) be broken or torn. (2) be dispelled: ঘুম টুটা, স্বপ্ন টুটা. (adjective) broken; torn; dispelled. টুটানো (verb transitive) cause to be broken/torn/removed/dispelled.
- Bengali Word টুনটুন English definition nt denoting a clinking sound. টুনটুন করা (verb intransitive) clink; tinkle.
- Bengali Word টুনটুনি English definition (noun) a species of tiny warbling bird; the tailor-bird.
- Bengali Word টুপি English definition (noun) a covering for the head; a cap; a hat.
- Bengali Word টুল English definition (noun) a wooden seat without a back for one person; a stool.
- Bengali Word টুলি, টুলী English definition [Urdu] (noun) (used as suffix) a locality: মোগল টুলি.
- Bengali Word টুসি, টুসকি English definition = তুড়ি
- Bengali Word টেঁক, ট্যাক English definition (noun) (1) the waist. (2) the fold of one’s cloth at waist. (3) (figurative) money; purse: টেঁক খালি, out of pocket. টেঁকে গোঁজা keep in the fold of one’s cloth; (figurative). appropriate to oneself; misappropriate.
- Bengali Word টেংরা English definition (noun) a variety of small fish without scales.
- Bengali Word টেংরি English definition [Hindi] (noun) the shin-bone of a sheep or goat: টেংরির সুপ, bone-marrow soup.
- Bengali Word টেকসই English definition (adjective) durable; long lasting.
- Bengali Word টেকা, টিকা English definition (verb intransitive) (1) be durable; last long. (2) stand a test; endure: ধোপে টেকা.
- Bengali Word টেকো English definition (adjective) bald; without hair on the head.
- Bengali Word টেক্কা English definition (noun) (1) ace (in cards). (2) competition. (adjective) superiority; excellence; triumph. টেক্কা দেওয়া/টেক্কা মারা (verb intransitive) (1) complete with. (2) excel; surpass; get the better of; score.
- Bengali Word টেটা English definition (noun) a fishing-spear; a harpoon.
- Bengali Word টেপ English definition [English] (noun) (1) a strip of thin flexible metal or hard cloth graduated for measuring things with; a tape-measure; a tape. (2) a strip of plastic material magnetized to record sound or vision; magnetic tape; tape. টেপ করা (verb transitive) record songs, talks, etc on a magnetized tape for playing back on a tape-recorder.
- Bengali Word টেপা, টিপা English definition (verb transitive) (1) press with the hands to relieve (one) of pain, etc; massage; squeeze: শরীর টেপা. (2) give a hint by the eyelids; wink: চোখ টেপা. (3) put or place lightly and noiselessly: পা টিপে হাঁটা. টেপানো (verb transitive) cause to press or massage.
- Bengali Word টেপারি English definition (noun) a shrub or its fruit; gooseberry.
- Bengali Word টেবিল English definition [English] (noun) a piece of furniture with a flat surface and usually four supports or legs at the corners; a table.