ট পৃষ্ঠা ৬
- Bengali Word টিপ্পনি English definition (noun) (1) a sarcastic comment; a reflection. (2) commentary; annotation; note.
- Bengali Word টিপয় English definition (noun) three-legged small table; tripod.
- Bengali Word টিফিন English definition [English] (noun) (1) light repast; snack; tiffin. (2) a recess during working hours for tiffin.
- Bengali Word টিমটিম English definition (interjection) suggesting flickering of a lamp or depressed state of existence of something. টিমটিম করা (verb intransitive) (1) (of a lamp) sheet a dim light. (2) (of an institution) be at the fag-end of its glory. টিমটিমে (adjective) flickering; blinking; dim.
- Bengali Word টিলা English definition (noun) a small hill; a hillock.
- Bengali Word টিয়া English definition (noun) a species of parrot; the parakeet.
- Bengali Word টীকা English definition (noun) a comment on some passage of a book; commentary; annotation; note. টীকা করা (verb intransitive) comment; annotate. টীকাকার (noun) commentator; annotator. টীকাকারে (adverb) in the form of an annotation/ commentary.
- Bengali Word টু English definition = টুঁ
- Bengali Word টুঁ English definition (interjection) denoting the least noise or feeblest objection. টুঁ শব্দ না করা raise no objection/make no protest of any kind.
- Bengali Word টুঁটি English definition (noun) the passage by which food enters the stomach; gullet; throat. টুঁটি চেপে ধরা (verb intransitive) seize by the throat. টুঁটি টিপে মারা (verb transitive) throttle. টুঁটি-কাটা (noun) a murderer; an assassin; a cut-throat.
- Bengali Word টুইল English definition [English] (noun) a textile fabric with a kind of diagonal ribbed surface; twill.
- Bengali Word টুইশনি English definition (noun) the profession of a private tutor; tuition. টুইশনি করা (verb intransitive) teach a student as a private tutor.
- Bengali Word টুকটাক English definition (adjective) (1) of small quantity; paltry: টুকটাক জিনিস. (2) brief and casual: টুকটাক কাজ. (adverb) in small quantity. টুকটাক করে (adverb) by small bits of work or income: টুকটাক করে সংসার চলছে.
- Bengali Word টুকটুক English definition (interjection) denoting glow, glare or ruddiness. টুকটুক করা (verb intransitive) shine with a glare; appear ruddy; glow. টুকটুকে (adjective) of a lively flesh colour; reddish. টুকটুকে লাল (adjective) deep red.
- Bengali Word টুকরা, টুকরো English definition (noun) a piece; a fragment; a scrap; a bit: টুকরা কাপড়, cut-piece. টুকরা করা (verb transitive) cut to/divide into pieces. টুকরা টুকরা in pieces; in small bits; piecemeal.
- Bengali Word টুকরা-টাকরা English definition (noun) odds and ends; small fragments.
- Bengali Word টুকরি English definition (noun) basket for carrying goods on the head.
- Bengali Word টুকরো English definition = টুকরা
- Bengali Word টুকা English definition = টোকা
- Bengali Word টুকিটাকি English definition (noun) trivial or trashy things. (adjective) (1) paltry: টুকিটাকি কাজ. (2) negligible; of little value: টুকিটাকিদান.