ট পৃষ্ঠা ৮
- Bengali Word টের English definition (noun) feeling; sensation; awareness. টের পাওয়া (verb transitive) (1) feel; perceive; have the sense of: ব্যথা টের পাওয়া. (2) come to know; be aware; sense; apprehend: বিপদ টের পাওয়া. (3) (figurative) pay the penalty for; be made to suffer: এবার টের পাবে কত ধানে কত চাল. টের পাওয়ানো (verb transitive) cause one to have a lesson; teach one a lesson; give one a taste of (a penalty, etc).
- Bengali Word টেরচা, টেরছা English definition = তেরছা
- Bengali Word টেরা English definition = টেড়া
- Bengali Word টেরি English definition = টেড়ি
- Bengali Word টেলিগ্রাফ English definition [English] (noun) an apparatus for transmitting messages along a wire by electricity, but now also wireless; telegraph.
- Bengali Word টেলিগ্রাম English definition [English] (noun) a communication sent by telegraph; telegram.
- Bengali Word টেলিফোন English definition [English] (noun) an instrument transmitting sound to a distance by means of electricity and telegraph wires; telephone.
- Bengali Word টেলিভিশন English definition [English] (noun) transmission of scenes or pictures and sound so that they can be received at a distance by a receiving set operated by electricity; television.
- Bengali Word টেলিস্কোপ English definition [English] (noun) an optical instrument for viewing distant objects; telescope.
- Bengali Word টেড়া, ট্যাড়া English definition (adjective) (1) looking obliquely; squint-eyed. (2) haughty; peevish: টেড়া মেজাজ. টেড়া চাউনি (noun) oblique glance. টেড়াবাঁকা (adjective) not straight; distorted; sinuous; zigzag.
- Bengali Word টেড়ি English definition (noun) parting of hair of the head. টেড়ি কাটা (verb intransitive) dress the hair; have parting of the hair.
- Bengali Word টো-টো English definition (interjection) denoting aimless wandering or strolling about. টো-টো করে বেড়ানো (verb intransitive) ramble here and there without an aim, as a vagabond does. টো-টো কোম্পানি a group of vagabonds or gadabouts. টো-টো কোম্পানির ম্যানেজার an inveterate vagabond.
- Bengali Word টোকা ১, টুকা English definition (verb transitive) (1) note down; write down. (2) copy; make a copy of written matter. (3) write answers in examination script by unfair means. (4) paint out a mistake or fault. (5) pick up and collect what is lying scattered.
- Bengali Word টোকা ২ English definition (noun) a stroke with a finger; a tap. টোকা দেওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) strike with the finger; tap; fillip.
- Bengali Word টোকানো English definition (verb transitive) procure by picking up from here and there; collect bits of things by picking.
- Bengali Word টোটকা English definition (noun) quack remedy; an empiric medicine/cure. (adjective) empiric; empirical. টোটকা-টাটকি (noun) (plural) quack or empirical remedies/cure.
- Bengali Word টোটা English definition (noun) a case containing the charge of a firearm; cartridge.
- Bengali Word টোপ ১ English definition (noun) (1) substance used by anglers to allure fish; a bait. (2) (figurative) anything used as allurement: টোপ গেলা. (3) an artful device; an artifice; a stratagem. টোপ গেলা (verb intransitive) gulp a bait. টোপ ঠোকরানো (verb intransitive) nibble at the bait. টোপ ফেলা (verb intransitive) hold out some bait or allurement; set a trap.
- Bengali Word টোপ ২ English definition (noun) (1) diapered fancy-work on ornaments. (2) linen fabric with diamond pattern. (3) a cap; a hat. (4) button made of cloth.
- Bengali Word টোপর English definition (noun) a conical hat worn by a Hindu bridegroom at wedding.